Help on RT4WD auto to manual swap please.........

Need some guidance on swapping out the automatic to manual transmission on a 1990 RT4WD.
I have the complete set of parts for a swap from another donor car of same year with the manual 6spd.
Can the sensors for the auto be looped w/o tearing out the complete wiring & loom????
Like I mentioned, need a waiving lantern.
I have the complete set of parts for a swap from another donor car of same year with the manual 6spd.
Can the sensors for the auto be looped w/o tearing out the complete wiring & loom????
Like I mentioned, need a waiving lantern.
So I'm sure I will come up with some more questions or concerns once they arise.
Until then, thanks again for the help ya'll and if anyone else has some knowledge on this, please feel free to share.
Gobble Gobble!