Bogging problem....

As I'm driving it'll bog out like it shuts off kinda but comes back into it. Feels like not enough gas but a few things it could be then that.
As I was driving it was fine for a bit then bogged out and comes into it again. I barley can hit the gas peddle. It does it in any gear. If I stomp on it it does the same thing. I was in 3rd gear going around 30 mph and no matter what I did it kept bogging out on me every few yards I went and wouldn't go any faster without it bogging...
Also if I put the gas peddle about half throttle starting on a hill it will do the same thing.
-Fuel pump hums when I turn the key on.
-I've put a brand new fuel filter in (witch helped a bit untill now).
Could it be the coil or something clogging up?
I'm just stumped on this and never had an issue with this before. Also it's an automatic rt4wd.
Any Info would be helpful!
As I was driving it was fine for a bit then bogged out and comes into it again. I barley can hit the gas peddle. It does it in any gear. If I stomp on it it does the same thing. I was in 3rd gear going around 30 mph and no matter what I did it kept bogging out on me every few yards I went and wouldn't go any faster without it bogging...
Also if I put the gas peddle about half throttle starting on a hill it will do the same thing.
-Fuel pump hums when I turn the key on.
-I've put a brand new fuel filter in (witch helped a bit untill now).
Could it be the coil or something clogging up?
I'm just stumped on this and never had an issue with this before. Also it's an automatic rt4wd.
Any Info would be helpful!
You've probably already checked the Main Relay aswell I'm assuming.
It may be a situation of trial and error, like mine, I swapped the fuel pump over and checked the timing still with no success. But when I swapped the fuel filter over, it worked.
I'm going to clean out some censors that may cause that problem but I really don't think that would be it.
I'll update once I figure out if I fixed it or not.
My solution to you is Clean out Idle control valve, Injectors may be clogged, New Dizzy (coil may be bad). New fuel filter. If you do get a fuel pump ebay has them cheap or I'd like to try to find a oem honda one from a junkyard. I don't know if any other fuel pumps would be able to be interchangeable.
If not any of those then you're in the same situation as me good sir.
For your problem I'd checked the Altenator first witch would cause your battery to die out eventually. Also check to make sure battery conection is good. You can always turn up your idle a tad bit.
Have you tried revving your engine and checking the fuel pressure at the same time?
Does anyone know if any fuel pumps are interchangable for the wagons?
I went on ebay and it had a few diffrent ef modles 90 hatch and 91 hatch so on and the one was listed in the same one... I have another fuel pump that my friend had and thought it was junk but turns out it wasn't and thats from his 93 civic 4dr. I rather not put in all that work just to find out it won't work with my wagon but also it's free.
Alright so I pulled out the fuel pump and just happen to look inside my gas tank and I saw a lot of pine needles and small twigs in it... I can only think of two reasons on why there was pine needles and twigs. Some bitch really hated the guy I got the wagon from or the tank was replaced at some point of time and it sat collecting it.
I sucked out all the gas and started to take out the pine needles and twigs hoping that would fix it. I cleaned out the pump and put it back in, filled the gas tank with some 93 and some stp gas treatment. Only to find out it still bogged and just kept ruining my day. Cold weather and snow/sleet is not a good time.
So now I have to go through the fuel lines and get yet another fuel filter. (The joy of cars)
The 6 holes on top of assembly does not line up.
The EK pump has a clip that plugs into the pump but doesn't have a clip on the wago pump/assembly.
So I'm getting a crx full assembly tomorrow and hopefully I can just put that one in with no problems.
Also try replacing the fuel pump relay, if you haven't already...didn't read through the topic, just ideas...
I'll check the grounds and make sure everything is correct and tightened good. Also I haven't checked the pump relay. will do that as well.
I've replaced: Cap, rotor, plugs, wires, fuel filter (will have to do again cause of the whole clogged up tank).
I was thinking it possibly could be the map censor as well if not the TPS.
No check engine light is on. BUT it does come on when the "Bog" happens and stays on unitl I shut the car off. I've tried to count the light on the ecu (obd0) check but it's a constant blink not like example: 2 long 5 short. just constant long.
My hatch had this problem. Pretty sure it was ignition related.
Will be working on wagon tomorrow. Dropping the tank.
Got new fuel pump, fuel filter, altenater, and doing a oil change. will check out more stuff.
I just hope everything turns out good cause if it doesn't I'm pretty much giving up.