DPFI Injector Specifications
I just sent out my injectors to get tested and cleaned, and this is what they came back with after cleaning:
Aux Main
Resistance 8.8 1.1
Static Flow 99 173
Pulsed flow
at 2500 RPM 96 169
cc/min @ 43.5 psi 297 519
Just wondering if anyone has done this and had similar results, or knows what the factory specs are supposed to be? I have looked and only found some partial references that didn't seem to match up.
They gave me before and after readings, but there wasn't a significant difference. I pulled them from the yard so I was primarily looking to verify they were good. The wagon runs as well or slightly better than before I swapped them in.
Aux Main
Resistance 8.8 1.1
Static Flow 99 173
Pulsed flow
at 2500 RPM 96 169
cc/min @ 43.5 psi 297 519
Just wondering if anyone has done this and had similar results, or knows what the factory specs are supposed to be? I have looked and only found some partial references that didn't seem to match up.
They gave me before and after readings, but there wasn't a significant difference. I pulled them from the yard so I was primarily looking to verify they were good. The wagon runs as well or slightly better than before I swapped them in.