Car Wont Turn!

Well im trying to get a civic wagon back on the road.

1990 civic wagon MT FWD. Blue
Duel point fuel injected.

Here's my problem

It’s been sitting for about 2years.

I drained all old gas and put about 5 gallons new gas in. Got a battery and hooked it up. Turn the key but it doesn’t run it starts but that’s it. There’s spark, and i replaced the top or I guess starting fuel injector.

I checked that there was resistance in the injector plug and there was.

Also I removed the hazard fuse and reset the ECU but there was no code?? Hmm??

Either there’s a short somewhere or it not getting fuel.

So any guess?? Please help


  • Are you sure gas is getting through?

    Have you replaced the fuel filter?

    I had a similar problem with an 87 Mazda B2000 that sat around for 3 years. I changed the fuel filter and, voila, it started.

    Good luck and thx for putting another wagon back on the road.
  • SweetOhSweetOh Wagonist
    No But ill look at that fuel filter.

    I yet to do a fuel pressure test.

    O also ill spray some carb cleaner down the intake.

    Im headed over to work on it here in a fiew.
  • SiWagonSiWagon Council Member
    Might still have bad gas in it.Try shooting STARTER FLUID into the intake manifold through 1 of the vacuum hoses.Now start it.You may need to crank for a while.If a NO go stop for a minute & start again.If it even starts for a few seconds....It's bad gas trying to work its way through.
  • SweetOhSweetOh Wagonist
    Well Its the fuel pump!

    After a few sprays of carb cleaner it try to run but wasn't getting gas thus broth me to do a fuel pressures test and that was it. NO Pressure!

    There's a fun weekend job! since I'm in the mood ill fix the fuel gage in my family's wagon while I'm at it. :wink:

    Yep got to remove the whole fuel tank to get to it.
    But we'll see what came next.

    Thanks for your support and helpful suggestions :)
  • HaydzHaydz Moderator
    Are you 100% sure its the fuel pump and not the main relay failing to start the fuel pump?
  • SweetOhSweetOh Wagonist
    Yep there’s voltage but no pressure.

    I guess that the pumps seals dried up because it’s been sitting there for 2 years with a little less then a half a gallon of fuel. it was partially empty.
  • Walbro 225lph replacement FTW!!!
  • SiWagonSiWagon Council Member
    Before u try 1 of the Hi-Po fuel pumps.They tend to b noisier & are you intending on modding the engine to some serious HP?
  • SweetOhSweetOh Wagonist
    Well im am but for now i need it to get to work.

    Once i get some extra $ flowing in i will start my Preformance D15b project. I was also thinking about a swap to a D16z6 then modding that but im a little un shure at this time.
  • You can get the walbro unit for I belive cheaper than the stock replacement. Personally I would upgrade it now instead of putting a brand new stock one in there, IMHO. Walbro usually go for about ~$90 shipped. Not bad.
  • HaydzHaydz Moderator
    At the same time though the problem may not even be the fuel pump itself. Plus a D15B won't need a 255l/h fuel pump. :lol:
  • SweetOhSweetOh Wagonist
    Well i flush the tank and got a new pump.

    It runs but i blew up or shorted out the Coil pack.
    No worrys i getting a new one tomarrow.

    Thought i did sux sitting on the side of the highway for two hours!
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