It was a sand track which was quite soft/deep in places and you could feel the tyres digging in. It didnt slide around all over the place but you had to keep the revs up as the tyres were digging the car deeper into the sand rather than slipping over the top and the engine was bogging down.
Different, hard to say if better or worse. On grass these tyres are much much better though
Had a little play on a muddy building site, most pics turned out crap due to rain on the lens but heres a few: P1020719 by db8.typer, on Flickr P1020721 by db8.typer, on Flickr P1020724 by db8.typer, on Flickr
Installed a different steering wheel, it consists of:
-Accord Euro R Boss
-98spec ITR Wheel
-Accord Euro R Airbag
Due to me replacing the outer of my ITR steering wheel with the better condition Accord one, I had these bits left over so figured I would try them on the CR-V, what do you know they bolt straight on! P1020784 by db8.typer, on Flickr
Bit of an update (not really as I havnt done anything) for those interested:
Went for a little offroad excursion today, took some pics and some short videos, havnt done anything else to this: P1020806 by db8.typer, on Flickr Bank by db8.typer, on Flickr CR-V Dunes by db8.typer, on Flickr
And a couple short videos, the squawking sound is the rear diff engaging, I need to change the fluid again as it was really bad when I got this (likely never been changed), Ive done 5000kms since the first change so a second change should mostly solve it. Not a big deal though
Not really anything major, just a few more accessories like towbar etc and get the dents fixed up. Most of my money is going into my house/mortgage now so not a lot left over for cars at the moment
Hi all... I recently bought a '99 CRV RD1. I managed to covert my headlights to HID's but I still couldn't find a way to replace my fog lights. I tried downloading a service manual for the car but even in that I can't find anything regarding this. Can someone please help?
Went snowboarding on the weekend with my Girlfriend at the Whakapapa skifields (pronounced fuck-a-papa for all you non New Zealanders....not even kidding) only got one pic of the CR-V:
This is Mount Ruapehu which we were on, its an active volcano:
And the view from Dinner at the restaurant at the hotel we stayed at about 10kms down the access road:
That is awesome!! Is snowboarding open year round?????
Nope, I think its June-October or similar. Its the first time Ive been but my GF used to go up a lot as a kid and she was saying there wasnt much snow this year. New Zealand has had its warmest Winter since 1909 or something.
The other side of the mountain (Turoa skifield) was closed on Saturday morning due to high winds but the side we were on was open all weekend.
Not really an update, still hunting for some Honda Access bits for it and saving money, it did pass its 6monthly inspection today though so went for a drive to the beach:
I dont think so? They are for a rally application and say on them they are for competition use only and pretty sure they only come in 5x114.3 and 5x100 (EVO and WRX) Im on my phone so cant load the catalouge pdf.
They are not cheap wheels though! I got the first 4 second hand (never used) for cheaper than buying the 5th wheel! I think the 5th wheel cost me $500 or a little bit more. I had the option of buying 8 wheels for $800 but I turned it down thinking I didnt need 4 spares, I should have taken them as it would have been cheaper than finding that 5th one :hopelessness:
All has been good with this, have done a few trips like up to the snow, down to Napier, around the Lakes in Bay of Plenty etc and just this weekend we decided to head up the Motu. Those who follow rallying in NZ with recognise the name as it is the road which many top WRC drivers loved to tackle such as Colin McRae.
It starts just north of Opotiki and ends at Matawai which is at the top of the Waioeka gorge between Opotiki and Gisborne. I cant remember the exact distance but its currently a fairly rough road, very narrow with big drops not far away.
We then went to Motu Falls where there is a old swing bridge, had lunch in Motu Village then spur of the moment decied to carry on the Gisborne for the night.
So a couple pics: P1030096 by db8.typer, on Flickr
So that was fun, I have also collected a few other little bits and pieces such as:
Spoon Induction Pipe to replace the resonator, I still have the intake resonator that is behind the bumper installed as removing it resulted in a large flat spot in the lower rev range. Engine bay is dirty as pic was taken after a bit of gravel driving Spoon Induction Pipe by db8.typer, on Flickr
Also picked up this rocker cover cheap off trademe, its been dipped in carbon look stuff but sadly the seller didnt mention the damaged to the finish as seen in the pic so I dont think I will use it: Carbon look by db8.typer, on Flickr
And after a bit of searching and waiting I got myself a Alpine underseat subwoofer to help out the audio system, its only about the size of a shoebox and has an internal amp: Alpine Underseat Sub by db8.typer, on Flickr
So next up is to replace the sway bar end links front and rear. The rear ones were pretty rusted up when I installed the Ultra Racing Sway bar 18months ago or whenever it was and the front ones came loose whilst gravel bashing on the Motu (resulting in a trip to Supercheap in Gisborne and the purchase of a $2 14mm spanner and me lying in the carpark tighting them back up) however with the lifted suspension and spirited driving on rough roads I think they have done thier dash and are now knocking quite badly. These were replaced just before I bought the car so have only lasted 14,000kms
House purchase is slowing progress with car builds so nothing exciting sorry. Ive got friends in Florida complaining about house prices in America and theirs was only $110,000, over here that will buy you nothing! Ive been lucky enough to get a deal through family an purchased my grandparents old house for just under 3x that
Finally got around to ordering some sway bar endlinks, after some research I confirmed that RD1 CR-V front ones are the same as EK Civic ones. This meant I could order some uprated HardRace ones from Adam@Speedscience that should hopefully last longer than whatever ones were in there before.
This morning after the frost had melted I got into it: Untitled by db8.typer, on Flickr
Installed (excuse the mess, this hasnt been washed for some time!) Untitled by db8.typer, on Flickr
Whilst I was at it I decided to rotate all 5 tyres since Ive done about 8000kms since the tyres were put on, to get them to wear evenly I included the spare in the rotation
I used this pattern since my tyres are not directional:
Hover Car Untitled by db8.typer, on Flickr
The brand new, never driven on wheel compared with one that is now the spare, I think they need a clean! Untitled by db8.typer, on Flickr
And whilst I was at it also ordered a K&N Panel filter for EK to replace the rather disgusting one that was in there Untitled by db8.typer, on Flickr
Well once again not really anything build orientated has happened with this, just more use but I figure a lot of members on this forum use their wagons for lifestyle activities so it all fits in.
Made the trip back up to Mt Ruapehu for Skiing (last year was snowboarding and Im terrible at that) seeing as I could always rollerblade better than I could skateboard as a child I gave Skiing a go this year, my GF spent a good 10years skiing so at least I had a good teacher! Picked it up pretty quickly so we could get out of the learners area and head up the mountain further.
At the Hotel I happened to be parked next to a NZDM CR-V P1030134 by db8.typer, on Flickr
This was from the first day, we spent the morning on the Whakapapa side of the mountain but the weather packed in and we were sick of being cold and wet so went back to the Hotel for a shower then went for a drive, pick was taken about 40mins drive away on the Turoa side of the mountain: P1030140 by db8.typer, on Flickr
This pick was on the same day on the access road to Tukino Ski field, its a real oldschool type, 4x4 access only and no lifts etc P1030144 by db8.typer, on Flickr
Second day had a bad forcast for the Whakapapa side where we were staying so made the call to drive back to the Turoa side. Bad forcast kept the crowds away and the weather turned out pretty awesome. Got a full day in with basically no wait for the lifts. Was to busy/tired for pics
Third day the weather was PERFECT which meant the mountain was packed, my body had had enough and we still had a good 2-3 hour drive home so we were only up the mountain for 3 hours in the morning, this shows the Whakapapa side on a great day: Whakapapa by db8.typer, on Flickr
On the way home we did a little offroading P1030163 by db8.typer, on Flickr
Ruapehu in the background: P1030165 by db8.typer, on Flickr
From this angle we have Mt Tongariro on the left (we climbed to the Summit of this Mountain last December as part of the Tongariro Crossing Trek, a 21km walk from one side to the other) then Mt Ngauruhoe on the Right P1030166 by db8.typer, on Flickr
Thanks I have had offers from a few local Rally Drivers to buy them but I know I will never get anything else I like for the same price so cant let them go!
One of the reasons that stuff hasnt happened to this is that Me and my GF imported her a new car earlier this year, she had a 1997 Toyota Caldina which was going to need some money spent on it (cambelt, panel/paint repair) so we decided to sell it before that: Polish3 by db8.typer, on Flickr
Managed to get $150 more than we bought it for 2 years earlier, though had spent some $$ getting the bonnet repainted and some new alloy wheels/tyres. Still not bad.
These days she only works just around the corner from home and though she would prefer to walk she does need her car to go into town and do the banking (works at an Accountants office) so because of this she was wanting a nice small cheap to run car.
I havn't trained her very well and she doesnt like Honda's very much so a Jazz/Fit was out of the question, she spotted a few Toyota Vitz/Yaris around and decided she quite liked those so I re-established my contacts in Japan and set about sourcing one.
Most are either 1000cc or 1300cc but that was too small as we often travel to the Cities around us that are about 1 hour drive with a few hills so we wanted a 1500cc, the budget couldnt stretch to the RS model.
Anyway I ended up finding this 2005 Toyota Vitz U, 1500cc, CVT trans, bodykit, grade 4, 100,000kms within our budget. A few weeks later it arrived and I got it registered/legal.
And this week I fitted the RS model tail lights which I sourced from Japan, these along with slightly different bumpers, interior fabric and disc rear brakes on RS models are the only difference between the two: Vitz RS tail lights fitted by db8.typer, on Flickr
Here in Europe we pretty much only get basic/dull Toyota's, it's awesome to see the ones from Japan have the Aero-kits and are equipped with loads of optional items.
Not many have the Aerokits, these are genuine Toyota parts but I think were fitted after the car was sold new as I found a dent under the passenger side skirt but no damage to the skirt.
It also has a Japanese GPS/CD/Radio in it and a ETC (electronic toll collector) that has a asian lady voice that speaks to you when you push the button.
Also is completly keyless, has a remote that you can leave in your pocket. Touch the door handle and it will unlock, press the brake and push the button and it starts.
This is the only pic I have of the interior from when it was in Japan:
Otherwise it is as you say, basic/dull. But it is very cheap to run and with the 1NZ 1500cc VVTi engine it actually has quite good power. The CVT transmission take some getting used to and takes the fun out of it really as if you floor it then it revs to 6000rpm and just stays there while the speed increases
Different, hard to say if better or worse. On grass these tyres are much much better though
This one wheel cost me slightly more than the other 4 cost put together. I ordered it in January!!!
New tyre fitted, we are having our first decent rain for the last 4months so no decent pics till it stops raining
P1020719 by db8.typer, on Flickr
P1020721 by db8.typer, on Flickr
P1020724 by db8.typer, on Flickr
P1020785 by db8.typer, on Flickr
Installed a different steering wheel, it consists of:
-Accord Euro R Boss
-98spec ITR Wheel
-Accord Euro R Airbag
Due to me replacing the outer of my ITR steering wheel with the better condition Accord one, I had these bits left over so figured I would try them on the CR-V, what do you know they bolt straight on!
P1020784 by db8.typer, on Flickr
Went for a little offroad excursion today, took some pics and some short videos, havnt done anything else to this:
P1020806 by db8.typer, on Flickr
Bank by db8.typer, on Flickr
CR-V Dunes by db8.typer, on Flickr
And a couple short videos, the squawking sound is the rear diff engaging, I need to change the fluid again as it was really bad when I got this (likely never been changed), Ive done 5000kms since the first change so a second change should mostly solve it. Not a big deal though
Fairly solid sand track with some soft bits:
Here is some softer deeper sand,you can see/hear the revs are up a bit more than previous vid:
CR-V Deeper sand
Thank you...
This is Mount Ruapehu which we were on, its an active volcano:
And the view from Dinner at the restaurant at the hotel we stayed at about 10kms down the access road:
Sorry for instagram images, its all I got
Nope, I think its June-October or similar. Its the first time Ive been but my GF used to go up a lot as a kid and she was saying there wasnt much snow this year. New Zealand has had its warmest Winter since 1909 or something.
The other side of the mountain (Turoa skifield) was closed on Saturday morning due to high winds but the side we were on was open all weekend.
They are not cheap wheels though! I got the first 4 second hand (never used) for cheaper than buying the 5th wheel! I think the 5th wheel cost me $500 or a little bit more. I had the option of buying 8 wheels for $800 but I turned it down thinking I didnt need 4 spares, I should have taken them as it would have been cheaper than finding that 5th one :hopelessness:
It starts just north of Opotiki and ends at Matawai which is at the top of the Waioeka gorge between Opotiki and Gisborne. I cant remember the exact distance but its currently a fairly rough road, very narrow with big drops not far away.
We then went to Motu Falls where there is a old swing bridge, had lunch in Motu Village then spur of the moment decied to carry on the Gisborne for the night.
So a couple pics:
So that was fun, I have also collected a few other little bits and pieces such as:
Spoon Induction Pipe to replace the resonator, I still have the intake resonator that is behind the bumper installed as removing it resulted in a large flat spot in the lower rev range. Engine bay is dirty as pic was taken after a bit of gravel driving
Also picked up this rocker cover cheap off trademe, its been dipped in carbon look stuff but sadly the seller didnt mention the damaged to the finish as seen in the pic so I dont think I will use it:
And after a bit of searching and waiting I got myself a Alpine underseat subwoofer to help out the audio system, its only about the size of a shoebox and has an internal amp:
So next up is to replace the sway bar end links front and rear. The rear ones were pretty rusted up when I installed the Ultra Racing Sway bar 18months ago or whenever it was and the front ones came loose whilst gravel bashing on the Motu (resulting in a trip to Supercheap in Gisborne and the purchase of a $2 14mm spanner and me lying in the carpark tighting them back up) however with the lifted suspension and spirited driving on rough roads I think they have done thier dash and are now knocking quite badly. These were replaced just before I bought the car so have only lasted 14,000kms
Finally got around to ordering some sway bar endlinks, after some research I confirmed that RD1 CR-V front ones are the same as EK Civic ones. This meant I could order some uprated HardRace ones from Adam@Speedscience that should hopefully last longer than whatever ones were in there before.
This morning after the frost had melted I got into it:
Old Vs New
Installed (excuse the mess, this hasnt been washed for some time!)
Whilst I was at it I decided to rotate all 5 tyres since Ive done about 8000kms since the tyres were put on, to get them to wear evenly I included the spare in the rotation
I used this pattern since my tyres are not directional:
Hover Car
The brand new, never driven on wheel compared with one that is now the spare, I think they need a clean!
And whilst I was at it also ordered a K&N Panel filter for EK to replace the rather disgusting one that was in there
Made the trip back up to Mt Ruapehu for Skiing (last year was snowboarding and Im terrible at that) seeing as I could always rollerblade better than I could skateboard as a child I gave Skiing a go this year, my GF spent a good 10years skiing so at least I had a good teacher! Picked it up pretty quickly so we could get out of the learners area and head up the mountain further.
At the Hotel I happened to be parked next to a NZDM CR-V
This was from the first day, we spent the morning on the Whakapapa side of the mountain but the weather packed in and we were sick of being cold and wet so went back to the Hotel for a shower then went for a drive, pick was taken about 40mins drive away on the Turoa side of the mountain:
This pick was on the same day on the access road to Tukino Ski field, its a real oldschool type, 4x4 access only and no lifts etc
Second day had a bad forcast for the Whakapapa side where we were staying so made the call to drive back to the Turoa side. Bad forcast kept the crowds away and the weather turned out pretty awesome. Got a full day in with basically no wait for the lifts. Was to busy/tired for pics
Third day the weather was PERFECT which meant the mountain was packed, my body had had enough and we still had a good 2-3 hour drive home so we were only up the mountain for 3 hours in the morning, this shows the Whakapapa side on a great day:
On the way home we did a little offroading
Ruapehu in the background:
From this angle we have Mt Tongariro on the left (we climbed to the Summit of this Mountain last December as part of the Tongariro Crossing Trek, a 21km walk from one side to the other) then Mt Ngauruhoe on the Right
Managed to get $150 more than we bought it for 2 years earlier, though had spent some $$ getting the bonnet repainted and some new alloy wheels/tyres. Still not bad.
These days she only works just around the corner from home and though she would prefer to walk she does need her car to go into town and do the banking (works at an Accountants office) so because of this she was wanting a nice small cheap to run car.
I havn't trained her very well and she doesnt like Honda's very much so a Jazz/Fit was out of the question, she spotted a few Toyota Vitz/Yaris around and decided she quite liked those so I re-established my contacts in Japan and set about sourcing one.
Most are either 1000cc or 1300cc but that was too small as we often travel to the Cities around us that are about 1 hour drive with a few hills so we wanted a 1500cc, the budget couldnt stretch to the RS model.
Anyway I ended up finding this 2005 Toyota Vitz U, 1500cc, CVT trans, bodykit, grade 4, 100,000kms within our budget. A few weeks later it arrived and I got it registered/legal.
And this week I fitted the RS model tail lights which I sourced from Japan, these along with slightly different bumpers, interior fabric and disc rear brakes on RS models are the only difference between the two:
It also has a Japanese GPS/CD/Radio in it and a ETC (electronic toll collector) that has a asian lady voice that speaks to you when you push the button.
Also is completly keyless, has a remote that you can leave in your pocket. Touch the door handle and it will unlock, press the brake and push the button and it starts.
This is the only pic I have of the interior from when it was in Japan:
Otherwise it is as you say, basic/dull. But it is very cheap to run and with the 1NZ 1500cc VVTi engine it actually has quite good power. The CVT transmission take some getting used to and takes the fun out of it really as if you floor it then it revs to 6000rpm and just stays there while the speed increases