Distributor Question
There seems to be 2 different listings for Distributor housings. Quick Reference.. does anyone who if there is a Wagon specific ?
:idea: You may want to read my Si Tip on FREE Ignition Upgrade:
http://www.hondacivicwagon.com/board/vi ... .php?t=739
What's wrong with your dizzy?
After everything with the car stalling out and now not being able to start. Ive narrowed it down to the distibutor housing and a bad ground attatched to it.
Considering that I had replaced the coil, ignitor and ect. It figures it would be the housing.
The worst part about it is that the one from my 1.5 that is in my CRX seems to be a slightly larger diameter then the one from the 1.5 Wagon.
pgmfi and dpfi dizzys are different... trust me I found out last night.