electrical gremlin

so i noticed recently, at random times when i hit my brakes, or on extremely rare occasions my turn signal, heater switch or high beams, my headlights will flicker off, and my stereo will stop playing and act as if its off. the dash lights, and cigarette lighter seem to be uneffected by this.

both my alternator and battery are less than a year old, which makes me lean towards maybe a grounding issue? if anyone has clues or suggestions on where to look to fix this, i would greatly appreciate it


  • AbideAbide Council Member
    ignition switch would be a cheap likely first guess
  • little update, i never got a chance to check the ignition switch, but i'm begining to wonder if its my alternator. once or twice while i have been stopped at a stop sign or red light, everything, from dash lights, headlights, radio backlight and clock have dimmed, the longer i'm sitting, the dimmer it got. i also will get either a check engine light, or battery light some times when i start the car up, disappears after a second or 2.

    although i have noticed the problem is mainly when i'm cruising at low rpms, if i'm on a back road, a highway, or just deciding to have a little fun ripping it around, i may get a light flicker, but nothing cuts out like it does when at lower rpm ranges. makes me kind of think the alternator cant really keep up at idle speeds. make sense to anyone else? i know i could probably just take it out and get it tested, but when i replaced it it was a real bitch to get in/out so i'm trying to avoid that unless i have to
  • AbideAbide Council Member
    yup that sounds very alt related
  • leWolfleWolf Senior Wagonist
    Agreed that the alternator could be your issue, also though check and clean all your ground points!
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