any one heard of uncle scotty's tranny cocktail?

So my room mate has a Subaru 2.5 rs and he had a grinding 3rd gear and a touchy reverse. He used that imfamous uncle scotty's tranny cocktail and I drove it...BUTTER! So smooth. I hear everyone saying for our RT4 wagons to use Genuine Honda Mt Fluid. but I was wondering would this magic mix safe? here is the link
been using honda mtf in the wagon though. youll have to kind of guesstimate on the ratios to use though since those subies take a lot more fluid than any honda trans
ps. abide ur my hero, buying my dream car (s2k) and not ditching the wagon :]
Ive tried just about everything under the sun in the s2k. From what i understand honda MTF is actually just 10w30 with additives. For longevity though i havent found anything close to amsoil.....who actually recommends we just use their 10w-30 for trans oil lol. Theres a guy on s2ki running an interesting filter setup and changing the engine oil every 25-30k and sends it to be tested each time, and they always tell him ehhh you could have gone longer. ... DA+CIVIC+6
if it were me id say some amsoil then the GM syncro with FM then honda MTF. I just dont feel like we'd get enough benefit from the scottys. If it feels bad though switch it up!
GM syncro mesh
honda MT fluid
but whats the FM part you mention?
ps. have you ever tried Motul in your s2k?
i was thinking of doing this .. viewtopic.php?f=7&t=10698&hilit=+fluid
The motul is supposed to be on par with GM or redline as far as I know.