pics of my 1990 wagon

1990 civic wagon. b18a1, skunk2 intake manifold, hasport mounts, civic si front bumper, amber corners, all red tail lights, cheapo coilovers, 18inch quantum tech rims, yakima rack. soon to have gsr leather front and back



  • BillBoardBillBoard council member
  • kleancutkleancut Wagonist
    get some smaller wheels.. nice tho
  • LSwagonLSwagon Band Wagon
    I have gsr blades that I put on it when I want the smaller look...I sell wheels and tires, and my co-workers didn't think you could stuff 18's on I did.
  • jpciiijpciii familEE
    yeah, they are a bit extreme but your wagon is pretty sweet. I was like: "Is that a trailer hitch?" then I scrolled down and was like "hellz yeah it is!".

    welcome to the site 8)
  • KahunaKahuna familEE
    Very nice!

    I see a 400ex on that trailer, I just picked one up a couple weeks ago and I love it!

    Nice to see another 4wheeler riding wagonist!
  • I'm happy to see I'm not the only one that pulls (or will be pulling) stuff with their wagon.

    My hitch is going on later this summer and, in the meantime, I'm looking for a small, lockable weatherprrof cargo trailer in which I can put all of my camping stuff.

    BTW, sexy looking roof rack.
  • Super clean, Smaller wheels though
  • i say awesome wheels! ive seen some other wagons with bigger wheels that didnt look so good. but i really like those.
    i see you have a sedan bumper on there. ive been wanting to get one. it looks good

  • Dash-N-CarsDash-N-Cars Senior Wagonist
    Oh no anther ZOMBIE threaaaddd Scaaaryyyy.
  • Hualing quads!Nice
  • 1988rt1988rt Senior Wagonist
    I just got a tow bar from a wrecking yard. Ill be towing my boat soon!
    You have a very clean car
  • looking real good, wheels look a bit big though...
  • topochotopocho Band Wagon
    I like the looks of it. It's clean and tidy. The rims are big, but a good match. Before I got my wagon three weeks ago, these were the pictures I showed my wife to show her the potential of the sad-looking wagon I was trying to convince her we should buy.
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