Fan doesn't shut off....dead battery?
Band Wagon
I just bought this car. It's an '85 Civic Wagon 1.5 and AC, 6 speed. The fan is running when the car is shut off. It runs down the battery. (A brand new battery....dead by morning)
The temp. is a little over half way on the gauge. But with the air on, it runs 3/4 of the way up and closer to the red than I would like to see.
I assume the fan timer switch is staying on..wonder where it is located. Is there a way to bypass it? (or is that a good idea...I dont want it to overheat and blow the head gasket...happened to another one of these I had in the past with a different problem)
The fan comes on when it should, just above half on the temp. gauge. The AC fan and the main fan only come on when the AC is on.
Any help on this would sure be appreciated.
At least, this is how it is on a CRX.
Also, you could replace your thermostat, trying to keep the temperature under control.