alt. prob

Well i took my old honda up to the shop to see if my alterenator was bad and of course they said it was. luckily it was still under i went to exchange it out and it turns out that it was i get back to the shop only to say it was fine(course they still charged me the price of taking it out and putting it right back again.) so the guy tells me to start my car up and it read below normal.but than he tells me to turn on my head lights and when i did the alt. started cranking out 14 amps. so now im really confused on the prob.anyone have this prob before.any soultions greatly appreciated.and i thank everyone on the help they gave me last time.


  • allmotrwagnallmotrwagn New Wagonist
    sounds like a shorting out in the alternator all the juice is going elsewhere untill your car is needing more and then it will go up in amps. try hitting the brakes and seeing if it goes up then or turning on your fan and see just test it several ways and if its only doing it with the lights then it may be a short in the wiring just my .02 for ya L8r Jeremy
  • quartersquarters Council Member
    change the little ring connector that goes onto the alternator.
  • keith750keith750 Wagonist
    had a similar problem to that, check your ground wire connection to your alternator, mine was corroded, i cleaned it, problem solved.
  • redman76redman76 Band Wagon
    thanks for everyones help on still a noobie when it comes to honda(i was a former chevy owner,i know you dont have to say it.)so im still learning on this car.thanks
  • redman76redman76 Band Wagon
    also meant to ask,i was checking on all the fuss and i noticed a auotmatic transmission cervo.any1 else have this,ive never seen it has where i can adjust it but i dont want to touch it cause i really dont want to mess up my car.but any info would be helpfull.
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