Is this going to be a problem

I am tearing into a craigslist Z6. Wondering if this is salvageable or too great of a problem.


  • nwWagoRTnwWagoRT New Wagonist
    How the hell does that happen?
  • BOWZBOWZ New Wagonist
    hmmm, were they carrying it by the pickup? i think you could make it work, the oil thing, i don't think so on that... did they run it dry and thats how you got it?

    when it broke did the pieces end up in the bearings, oil pump, or any thing else in the eng while it was running?

    i'm sure some one else will chime in that has alot more knowledge.

  • GeNXGeNX Wagonist
    I haven't found the all the pieces yet. Seems to be some gold flakes on the oil pan. Block Coolant plug looked bad but the system otherwise looks clean.
  • debrisdebris Wagonist
    Do you have another Z6 lying around? (to use as a donor?)
  • GeNXGeNX Wagonist
    Nope I just picked this up to try and see if I could replace my A6. It was cheap. Crank dosent even turn. I could try a mini-me but the idea was to keep the car in service as long as possible before putting it in for the new heart. I wonder if a machinist could fix this.
  • GeNXGeNX Wagonist
    Ignore the oil comment. I had the engine upsidown and fooled the wife that there was no oil.
  • leWolfleWolf Senior Wagonist
    rebuild time,You weld up the cradle just make sure to not heat it up and warp it
  • danzdanz Wagonist
    chances are the missing mount for the pick up wont even be an issue, theres 1 other bolt and two nuts still holding it in place.

    but if the crank isnt turning you got bigger problems.
  • GeNXGeNX Wagonist
    Anyone know the rod end clearences for the Z6.
  • danzdanz Wagonist
    you can download OEM factory service manuals from
  • GeNXGeNX Wagonist
    Thanks just wondering because I can't slide my smallest feeler gauge in any but the fourth rod end. I know there is supposed to be at least some play but not too much. Maybe that's why it's locked up. My second guess is the pistons so I put some kroil and sea foam sitting in the cylinders overnight.

    Thanks for your encouragement
  • GeNXGeNX Wagonist
    Some of the worst ring ridge is on number 1. I used some emory cloth to get most the carbon off. I heard it wasn't really a good idea to use a ridge reamer tool. I didn't feel comfortable using one anyhow.
  • GeNXGeNX Wagonist
    OK this is a confusing thing to find

    "4. reinstall the bearing cap, then torque the bolt.

    1st step : 25N m 18ft lb
    Final Step:
  • GeNXGeNX Wagonist
    OK this is a confusing thing to find when trying to use plastiguage.

    "4. reinstall the bearing cap, then torque the bolt.

    1st step : 25N m 18ft lb
    Final Step:
    D16Z6 58N m...38 ft lbs
    Except D16Z6: 45 N m...33ft lbs"
  • danzdanz Wagonist
    what are you confused about? the tq steps? its pretty straight forward.

    tq down the bolts in two steps, first step to 18ftlb, and for a D16z6 the 2nd step is 38ftlb.
  • GeNXGeNX Wagonist
    The last part "Except D16Z6 ... 33 ft lbs" So is there a third step where you losen the bolts back to 33 ft lbs or do just ignore that part.
  • danzdanz Wagonist
    that simply means, for everything EXCEPT the z6, use 33ftlb.
  • GeNXGeNX Wagonist
    Thanks Danz. I need to work on my engris skills tonight
  • danzdanz Wagonist
    its all good its worded strange. kind of an industry thing.. it helps that i do parts catalog work. heh
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