Help! Car wont start.

I have a 90 civic wagon 1.5
it all started yesterday when I got to work my break lightes didnt want to
turn off. Even after I turned off the lights,and the car was off the break lights were still on.
so my boss jump started my car I got home and the same problem happened,i jump started the car I drove around for about 5 minutes,went back home,i got home and left the car runing about 2 minutes then the lights and radio turned off,but the car stayed on...i turned off the car and now it wont turn on at all...i tfied to jump start it and nothing...not even a "click" noise.

Any idea what it could be?


  • JDMWago666JDMWago666 Senior Wagonist
    Check your main relay. That'd be my first guess. While you're doing that, look under your dash by the brake pedal and make sure that the button for the brake lights is still intact.
    If not that you're going to have to replace that, which is most likely why your brake lights won't turn off.
    Good luck with your fix, shouldn't be hard to do.
  • shenrieshenrie Council Member
    Yep, sounds like two problems.

    the brake light deal is adjustable. You just might need to dial it in, but I have had to replace a few of those in these cars. Pretty easy fix either way.

    The other problem could be the main relay or your alternator not charging, my guess would be the later since the radio and lights quit working while it was running. main relays tend to work once they are running. They leave you stuck somewhere once you shut them off and then magically start working after 10-15 minutes later.
  • wagovan90wagovan90 Band Wagon
    cool! thanks guys!! the lights problem ids fixed now. the car WAS running fine
    i got to work fine this morning with no problem...until i went to take my lunch break,car wouldnt start....this time it sounds like it wants to start bot it wont actually start...
    it has done that before and i waited a few minuts and then it started,but this time its been about an hour...and nothing.

    i really appreciate the help,this is so stressful.thanks for helping me out guys!
  • shenrieshenrie Council Member
    Now that sounds like a main realy issue. They are easily repaired if you have a soldiering gun/iron. Numorous people have done writeups on doing so.
  • JakerJaker familEE
    Is the ground on your battery tight? What about the positive?
  • 1988rt1988rt Senior Wagonist
    shenrie wrote:
    Now that sounds like a main realy issue. They are easily repaired if you have a soldiering gun/iron. Numorous people have done writeups on doing so.
    I just fixed mine not to long ago, its acually really easy if you dont destroy it taking it appart :lol:
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