Quarter panel dent

I'm about to pick up this wagon I just wanted to get some opinions on how hard it would be to push this out.




  • bam-bambam-bam Council Member
    that's a pretty tough one. You're not going to just "push it out", it's creased right at the intersection of several planes. It can be done, though, I wouldn't pass on a good RT because of it!
  • I was mainly worried about how easy it would be to get to from the inside. I popped off the little cover for the brake light from the inside and felt in there. It felt open unlike an eg so thats gonna make it a lot easier. Should be picking this up tomorrow around 10 *fingers crossed
  • JDMWago666JDMWago666 Senior Wagonist
    There is a little cubby that is in the inside trunk area. When you take that out you will have some room but not a lot to pop that out. Pushing it out will take most of it out but not the entire dent. Get it and try it. I wouldn't pass up an opportunity to get a RT just because of a dent. Good luck
  • inceptioninception New Wagonist
    You need a dent puller and slider.It would also be good if you could find the rear piece thats separate with lock in it.It would be good to have so you have a level plain to match the dent your going to pull out.Once you get the dent pulled out far you can sand down the spur holes.Next use 120 grit sandpaper for the area you will be adding you filler to.This will remove wax and clear coat and paint other from the area before you put your filler on the car WIPE IT WELL with a lent free rag .After that use a scraper (it kinda looks like a cheese grater)from side to side up and down to hit high spots then use some 60 grit sandpaper.I would recommend using body filler from your local automotive paint store rather than bondo.I also hope you have a air compressor or its gonna take you forever to do it.You can do it with a 6" sander just check for high and low spots often with something level like a level or piece of wood...U can normally run your hand across tha panel and feel for high and low spots.Wear gloves your hands they have oiils on them and can mess up ur next layer of filler after you fill it.Once you have a nice surface prime it and block sand with 120 to 220 and some pit filler or spot putty.If you have deep pits you may have to resort back to body filler.I always use a razor blade for this step this way you dont have to sand alot u can just use your finger with a little piece of sandpaper on it.The main thing is a clean surface and decent weather if your stuck outside without climate control.I couldnt tell but if that bumper is messed up u may wanna replace it as well so you have another good surface to blind your work from...O and of course reprime and paint.
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