1990 wagon problems

ok well to start of i have a 1990 rt4wd wagon well the problem is when i turn my wagon on its ok but when i drive it around its starts to booggg and backfire (sounds like gun shots) and it sounds like its farting really bad when i accelerate more on the gas and the other day it turned off out of no were need held asap and thanks in advance


  • JDMWago666JDMWago666 Senior Wagonist
    Misfire? Check your plugs, wires and dizzy.
  • My guess is plugs, how long they been in there? What color are they? Or is there even a plug left lol?
  • quartersquarters Council Member
    Distributor. change your cap & rotor, if that doesn't fix it, change your dizzy.

    any check engine light?
  • thanks for the help but i already tried all of that and yea there is a check engine light its come on when im driving around and it goes off after a while my friend told me to change the throttle body any more suggestions and thanks for all the help or does any one have a cheap distributor for sale has to be multi point
  • JDMWago666JDMWago666 Senior Wagonist
    Have you checked your injectors?
  • bam-bambam-bam Council Member
    OK, so there's a check Engine Light... what's the code?
  • no i have nt( injectors) ima check that next thanks and the codes r 17 and 1 any suggestions
  • JDMWago666JDMWago666 Senior Wagonist
  • thanks man but i tried everything im just gonna check the injectors tommorow morning
  • Change your O2 sensor to start. I've experienced similar symptoms before while having code 1 on the ECU, and changing the O2 sensor and resetting the ECU solved the problems.
  • Check the timing. Your timing belt may have jumped a tooth. Not common, but I've had it happen on one of my cars. Didn't backfire but it ran like shit at anything above 2k rpms.
  • does rt4wd have a map sensor?
  • unlimited02unlimited02 Senior Wagonist
    yea there map sensor's are on the back fire walls...
  • it sounds like evrything and your running 3 cyinder like what happened to my d15b2 before it locked up. check everything asap.
  • bucky4ubucky4u Band Wagon
    ok this might sound stupid but have u checked your cat or your fuel filteR?
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