Looking for help in San Diego for dead 91

So my love, Swagon, died on the freeway on Dec. 23rd. Was on the freeway doing 85ish. I felt a slight thump under the accelerator and next thing I knew I was watching the speedomoter quickly fall. Tried pushing the accelerator and got nothing...absolutely nothing...she died. Tried to start her, and she wants to start but can't complete the turn over. Is there anyone here that lives in San Diego that can help me? I'm thinking it might be the fuel pump or an electrical problem. 2 weeks before it died, my tail lights went out and I kept blowing the #8 fuse under the dash. I checked for a ground issue & found nothing. Maybe I'm over looking something? I think it might be the fuel pump b/c she sat for about 18 months in a garage before I got her. I wonder if all the crap is clogging the fuel system or the pump. Any help or ideas would be awesome!


  • SiWagonSiWagon Council Member
    As far as your tail lite prob.I already told you how to track it down.Reread it.I corrected my instructions.Brain must have been 1/2 off @ the time.Sorry.Tail lights won't work, 10 amp fuse keeps blowing
    Go read the instructions on a Short Tester it 'll be a little easier to track the short w/the tester & it'll save you $$$ going to a automotive electrician .

    Your Dead wgn is probably a separate issue.http://www.hondacivicwagon.com/bb/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=104&hilit=+SiWagon
  • bam-bambam-bam Council Member
    check timing belt?
  • JDMWago666JDMWago666 Senior Wagonist
    Maybe your timing jumped. Happened to a friend of mine. Since he kept trying to start it afterwards he bent his valves(I think it was the valves) Either way he ended up causing more damage trying to start it up after the timing jumped. I would definately look into the timing belt though.
  • If theres fuel and spark and timing is good then it maybe your distributor rotor, sum time if you rev your engine too high the bolt that holds the rotor tend to come off. Ive own 5 ef and it happened to me 3 time n 3 different cars. I live in Fresno CA and I was over there at S. D. thanks giving visiting my sisters kool city.
  • glezglez08glezglez08 Band Wagon
    same thing happen to be it was my ignition coil, do yu have spark.
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