Automatic Transmission Issue: I Know You Could Help Me LOOK!

Problem: I am having a problem with 1989 Civic Wagovan with automatic transmission. I’m getting oil all over the transmission dipstick hole. I always find the transmission oil dip stick popped out. I will push it back in and when I run the car the dipstick is out of the hole (not all the way but just passed the rubber stopper). This is driving me nuts. Please HELP!!!!!!!!!
Solution: One of the transmission cooling hoses the one that goes to the radiator was loose. The tranny ran out of some of its fluid. It seems that air came into the transmission and when the fluid was circulating in the transmission was trying to push the air out. That used to push the transmission dipstick. I added some transmission oil and problem solved. Thank you guys!!!
Solution: One of the transmission cooling hoses the one that goes to the radiator was loose. The tranny ran out of some of its fluid. It seems that air came into the transmission and when the fluid was circulating in the transmission was trying to push the air out. That used to push the transmission dipstick. I added some transmission oil and problem solved. Thank you guys!!!
try checking the transmission level while the engine is running. it might be over filled(to much pressure).
good luck.
I had the transmission fully flushed and serviced like two or three months ago... This just happended yesterday..
Perhaps there is a vent that is clogged up somewhere.
Well, basically they just drained and changed the transmission oil... I may have them check the tranny out...
my old honda mechanic in san diego, told me not to do it on my older cars. its good only on lesser mile cars or newer.
he told me just to have the guys fill the tranny and rear dif. with excessive fluid while the drain plug is out, i guess it purges the bad stuff out. then drop the pan and clean the filter, because i was going to have replace the pan gasket soon anyway.
i'm guessing t-tech uses pressure foward and backwards to clean the system and i'm thinking thats not good for our older cars.
my 2cents.
hopefully its an easy fix.
The Dangers Of Flushing...
Flush machines do what they say; they force high pressure cleaning solvents back through the engine and transmission and clean out some of the accumulated junk that has formed. Now engines have small passages and galleries through which oil or automatic transmission fluid flow and there are one-way valves that keep the fluids from backtracking for whatever reason. By using an aggressive cleaning procedure like flushing, large chunks of accumulated sludge are broken off and forced backwards through these galleries and valves and, more often than not, lodge tightly and block them. This cuts off the normal flow of the fluid and causes lack of lubrication in an engine and abnormal or no shifting in a transmission. The results are expensive repairs, or more often, engine or transmission replacement.
Read more at Suite101: Do You Need To Flush Your Transmission? ... z1B1UEVXjF
The machine was pushing and extracting oil in and out. Would it have caused the problem knowing that the flushing was done like three or 5 months ago? I hope that is not the problem.
Oh God! Well, my only hope is that if the flushing would have caused the problem, the problem would have started at least one or two days afer the flushing was done... What do you think??