*Wagon Survival* What do you carry? (bug out gear)

Tools tools tools... we all love tools...
Growing up in the Inland North West, when we leave the house, we leave the house prepared. This means being prepared for survival of any kind.
I've seen talk of people in the past carrying different things, like tools, and parts. Recently my brother (RedBeard) made me a small survival kit that fits into an Altoid mint tin. We decided to step the kit up a notch, and create our own water-proof matches.
*feel free to post your 'bug out gear' in this thread*
First, guard dog... (Maslow)

Find a used candle...

Chop it up...

Make a small flat bottom bowl out of alluminum foil... place on burner, on low setting...

Once melted, drop match sticks into melted wax...

Remove with tweezers...

After some time to dry (20 min to be safe), test in bowl of water...

This is something we did on a boring, snowy, day. If you try to strike the match with all of the wax on the tip, it likely wont work. But puting the tip in between your thumb and index finger for a moment, you can peel the wax off.
Hope someone has fun doing this. We did...
Growing up in the Inland North West, when we leave the house, we leave the house prepared. This means being prepared for survival of any kind.
I've seen talk of people in the past carrying different things, like tools, and parts. Recently my brother (RedBeard) made me a small survival kit that fits into an Altoid mint tin. We decided to step the kit up a notch, and create our own water-proof matches.
*feel free to post your 'bug out gear' in this thread*
First, guard dog... (Maslow)

Find a used candle...

Chop it up...

Make a small flat bottom bowl out of alluminum foil... place on burner, on low setting...

Once melted, drop match sticks into melted wax...

Remove with tweezers...

After some time to dry (20 min to be safe), test in bowl of water...

This is something we did on a boring, snowy, day. If you try to strike the match with all of the wax on the tip, it likely wont work. But puting the tip in between your thumb and index finger for a moment, you can peel the wax off.
Hope someone has fun doing this. We did...
Assuming you don't make your own matches, isn't it just a tad more to buy waterproof ones? :P
Guess it'll have to wait until Monday.
I want to see pics of everyones gear!
I've got MREs and everything. Our family was the Y2K prepared family lol
(not the crazy Idaho gun toating type lol)
I might have a can of sardines under the seat
Lmao nice
A shovel
A hat
A knife
A screwdriver
A map
just a simple one. so
need to get
small tool bag
ratchet/wrenches 10mm,12mm,14mm any other standard honda size's
vice grips
tow strap
back pack
need to make it more for emergencies
two ropes
tow strap
first aid kit
glove box:
knife(the end of the knife screws off and has matches, fishing string, hook, needle, small ammount of thread)
ice scraper
12v light that has a wind up cord to make it able to reach long distances and has a magnet on the end so i can stick it on the car if need be
also keep a small toolbox in the car with all the main tools you could need
in my hidden compartment
thermal goggles
silenced 9mm
two extra clips
mini warhead
you know just in case the zombies come...lmao
ME. I can weld 2x4s together in a swimming pool.
'Altoid kit'
-safety pins
-rubber bands
-can opener
-nail clippers
-100ft lb kevlar cord
-water tabs/water bag
Fits neat in empty Altoid tin...
Tied outside w/ rubber bands
-hand warmer
-waterproof matches
-3 in 1, compass, magnifiing glass, whistle
Inside 'bathroom tote'
-sun glasses
-pens, marker
-somelier key
-chemical lite
-hand warmers (never have too many)
-flask (w/ Johnny Walker)
-Gerber multi tool
-pad lock
-Antacid pills
-diarrhea pills
-2 pairs socks (not pictured)
I'll get more pics later of the other gear. Just wanted these off my phone.
I my car right now I have:
High output Spotlight
Spare Tire and jack (will being adding full sized spare in the new few weeks)
Ice scrapper
Fleece Blanket that can be zipped into a sleeping bag
TomTom GPS
varying amounts of water
*Plan to add*
small survival kit
a pair of tennis shoes
a pair of hiking boots
tool kit and better jack
small air compressor for flats on the go
couple cans of fix-a-flat or the like and a patch kit
As far as prepping my wagon:
It has been lifted back to stock height
My friend is fabbing up one inch spacers for the front and rear struts
I am running new all season tires on the back and new studless snow tires up front
*plan to add*
jerry can for fuel
off road lighting
roof rack and basket
On my person:
Always carry a firearm where I legally can
Folding stanless steel pocket knife
Full sized gerber folder in a sheath
Timex expedition watch
Reliable cell phone
*Plan to add*
Small multitool
compact lighter
maybe a back up gun (smaller and more concealed)
I actually gave my setup to my sister after leaving it in her car driving cross country. I'm in the middle of acquiring new stuff for my wagon. Will update my own stuff soon!
My wife and I plan on painting the wagon soon as well (little deeper than factory red that came on the wagon and bed liner on all the black. I have been backing down on the over the top obvious bug out look. Suttle but stock looking at a glance but increasing the wagon capiblities)
I hope this becomes more common in the wagon community.
Jumper cables
tow rope
socket set with a few wrenches and screw drivers
first aid kit
random bungee cords/straps
leatherman multi tool
hand warmers
change under seat(give or take a dollar)
Avalanche(collapsible) shovel
Metal Coffee can which includes my "winter kit"
candle with matches and butane lighter
tin foil
reese cups and granola bars
- one of those pep boys emergency kits with a blanket, poncho, jumper cables, zip ties and a tiny little first aid kit
- my bmx first aid kit that has just about everything i could need, in a water proof box
- 2 tool boxes with just about every tool i own in them, as well as my full socket set
- little air compressor that plugs into an outlet, and a converter to use it with my cigarette lighter
- lighters
- folding buck knife
- flashlight
- extra fishing rod with a few hooks and such
- and about 20 rounds for my trusty mossin nagant
and depending on where i'm going i'll bring my rifle and fishing gear with me, because you never know when driving around on back roads, sometimes you just see a spot and wanna go fishing, although the girlfriend never likes that excuse
A mosin is a great survival rifle/shtf rifle.
If I had to pack only one gun i'd probably take my ruger 10/22 rather than a larger caliber, but the mosin will take any large game in north america easily if you do your part.
Do you have a ccw permit to carry a self defense weapon on your person??? I'd say to concider it if you don't already have the permit, so you can always at least have your handgun for protection even if your rifle is not with you and something happens.
At least you are thinking in that direction so many leave the defense of themselves and loved ones in the hands of others.
Kudos to you
just something little that needed to be there.