Engine Bay Stuck shut?

strange, I couldnt find time to work on my honda for hte past 2 months so it has just sat. I go outside today to work on finishing up the headgasket job I started months ago. Well the hood release doesnt do anything?
I tried prying the hood up with a screwdriver and poking the hood latch from the front but its no use. Until the hood release lets go of the hood the manual latch in front has no effect. Any help guys?
I tried prying the hood up with a screwdriver and poking the hood latch from the front but its no use. Until the hood release lets go of the hood the manual latch in front has no effect. Any help guys?
2)Push down on the hood ,then go try the release.
3) Have some1 pull the hood release as you lift on the hood .
Another solution is to unbolt the hood release lever from the chassis inside the car, and pull on that (while someone is pushing down gently on the hood) till it releases.