Interesting, the alternator that was in there is only like a year old. The receipt might be in the glove box. I'd take it back to Napa if you still have the receipt.
Broke my cup holder than was screwed to the side of the shifter console. kinda a funny story. the passenger seat got slid all the way forward because I needed more room in the back:) Wagon Action
decided cup holders are for women and small children anyways
haha ya dickinson is expensive for housing. The pics taken at the lake was at elmers bay north by mandaree. 2 days before the road blew out its real crazy how bad the road is
project put on hold for a while, well it has been since like may. needs a new axle boot and maybe an axle along with some other good thingys. due to me moving and i've been driving my prelude all the time now. car is still at my parents house about 300 miles away
made it home for this weekend and drove the wagon. its slower than I remember haha. Must be getting used to driving the prelude.
but anyways gave the wagon some much needed love tonight, vacuumed and used some tuff stuff for the first time since i got the car in november. decided to put some speaker I had laying around in. 6 1/2" lightning audios in the doors and 6" kickers in the rear pods. sound a lot better than the pioneers that were in there
was going to fix my exhaust leak tonight but it rained, didnt want to weld when everything was all wet. so hopefully will do that tomorrow along with all new fluids and possibly a valve adjustment.
Next things on the list are lift kit which is supposedly getting tested this weekend, then alignment, hopefully some new tires before winter. looking for a good size 14" tire that will fit my RT steelies, but if not I'll probably go to 15's
I know of another RT4WD wagon down in Casper if you need one for parts. 170K, rio red, blown engine. $200-250. Text me if you are interested. 3O7277I343
I know of another RT4WD wagon down in Casper if you need one for parts. 170K, rio red, blown engine. $200-250. Text me if you are interested. 3O7277I343
question .....
would there b a title for this one ..????
any damage to it ...??? other than no motor is rest still intact...?????
ahhh i just picked up a 89 prelude last week!!!!!!!!!!!!! would much rather have another wagon though.
since im here might as well update how the current wagon build is going...
i drove it. now its almost out of gas and im too lazy to go fill it because my 91 lude has a full tank so i just drive that. going to fix the 89 lude and sell that to hopefully supply funds for the wagon. theres so many plans for the wagon just not enough time and money to be dealing with 3 projects
Well I think I might buy it and have my friend keep it at his house until I can get a wagon enthusiast to pick it up. The owner is sending it to the crusher otherwise.
I thought about keeping it and bringing it back to life, but I like my Accord better.
Still can't decide on a motor. I wanna do a 1.7L but idk if I wanna go with all the work with my a6 block which would need bored out, or if I want to find another d16 block. At the same time its kinda like if it aint broke don't fix it kind of thing. The a6 is old but still runs decent
On another note...some parts popped up on CL I wouldn't mind getting. A full z6 with a blown hg claimed for under $200. Then another guy was gonna do a turbo z6 but abondoned the project and has the fresh 75mm bare block and crank. Ahhhh I don't know what to do
What do you guys suggest I do about the hood before winter? I'm thinking just some red spray paint to hold it from rusting anymore. If I had a compressor I would try my hand a painting but I don't have one. The paint is flaking off all the way down to the bare metal its pretty weird how it is rusting too. It has like 5 dots in a straight line across the top and then about 10" down from that is the same pattern. Any ideas?
Did some winter preparations on the rt last night. Oil change, trans fluid, greased bushings, and did a little rust prevention. Found stuff to fix next springs. Gonna need all new axle boots in the front ans rear trailing arm bushings. Should probably do some improving to the diff mount too
Sold my red lude today so some extra cash hopefully get this build moving
Made a road trip this weekend 600 miles round trip. Averaged 24 mpg on the way there and had a tail wind the way back so made it on one tank with some to spare. 32 mpg big booties and tail winds ftw
Got offered a trade straight up for an 89 bmw 325i with 190k rust free. newer motor has exhaust leather tan interior. clear coat is peeling on hood and roof. 5 speed manual too IDK WHAT TO DO
Was planning on taking the wagon to south dakota black hills this over thanksgiving to go snowboarding. but I have to drive a car back for my dads dealership so I can't take it. But im getting paid to drive it back and dont have to pay for gas so whatever. Was hoping to get it dirty and take some snowy pictures but I guess you guys will have to wait
decided cup holders are for women and small children anyways
Get eR Done
That hood is getting rusty :P
but anyways gave the wagon some much needed love tonight, vacuumed and used some tuff stuff for the first time since i got the car in november. decided to put some speaker I had laying around in. 6 1/2" lightning audios in the doors and 6" kickers in the rear pods. sound a lot better than the pioneers that were in there
was going to fix my exhaust leak tonight but it rained, didnt want to weld when everything was all wet. so hopefully will do that tomorrow along with all new fluids and possibly a valve adjustment.
Next things on the list are lift kit which is supposedly getting tested this weekend, then alignment, hopefully some new tires before winter. looking for a good size 14" tire that will fit my RT steelies, but if not I'll probably go to 15's
would there b a title for this one ..????
any damage to it ...??? other than no motor is rest still intact...?????
sounds like a fair price ....
got pixxxxxx ???????
since im here might as well update how the current wagon build is going...
i drove it. now its almost out of gas and im too lazy to go fill it because my 91 lude has a full tank so i just drive that. going to fix the 89 lude and sell that to hopefully supply funds for the wagon. theres so many plans for the wagon just not enough time and money to be dealing with 3 projects
but heres the current pleasure squad
I thought about keeping it and bringing it back to life, but I like my Accord better.
On another note...some parts popped up on CL I wouldn't mind getting. A full z6 with a blown hg claimed for under $200. Then another guy was gonna do a turbo z6 but abondoned the project and has the fresh 75mm bare block and crank. Ahhhh I don't know what to do
Made a road trip this weekend 600 miles round trip. Averaged 24 mpg on the way there and had a tail wind the way back so made it on one tank with some to spare. 32 mpg big booties and tail winds ftw
What the heck is that jack thing?