light bar.

po-po style, even.

it needs some cleanup and paint.




no new lights yet. searching for best prices.


  • wagodizzlewagodizzle Council Member and EDM expert
    Wicked :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

    that will keep cars from backing into you again!! :D
  • HHHHHHHHHMMMMMMMMMMM......... I like it !!!
  • BillBoardBillBoard council member
    that is bad news-- wicked awesome...

    how did you fabricate this- is it from a truck and then motified
  • Is that an intercooler or a shiny radiator?
  • i think we need a sub thread for wagons that are ready for the apocalyspe
    my next one is gonna be plain scary ....
  • that's an alloy-core DA radiator. $30 cheaper than a standard dimension EE/EF one. go figure.

    and the light bar started out as a slab of 3/16" hardened aluminium plate, 3' of 2"x2" rolled aluminium angle iron, some all-thread, some steel tubing, 22 ga. steel sheet, and a diseased dream.

    48 hours later, it's on the car.

    i've also got a pair of Land Rover headlight guards (you can see them hanging on the toolbox handle) i'm considering mounting to protect the bumper lenses and bumper corners. you know, so i can just ram the shopping trolleys out of the way...
  • ThatDoodleThatDoodle Council Member
    that thing is deebo! i like it.
  • HaydzHaydz Moderator
    hehe lookin good!
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