Engine turn over noise.
So I need some help, I swaped in my crx hf motor (d15b6) and got everything wired and stuff, go to turn over the engine and i get a horrible noise. Can you please watch the video and tell me what it might be?
I don't kno how to imbed a video so there is a link.
I don't have a car so I need this going asap! lol
Any help is very appreciated, thanks!
I don't kno how to imbed a video so there is a link.
I don't have a car so I need this going asap! lol
Any help is very appreciated, thanks!
This was with a brand new optima yellow top i got.
Flywheel is in decent condition, maybe its not reaching? cause I think this was an auto and i'm using the stock d15b2 tranny and starter.
Could a z6 starter work as well?
Sure hope it hasnt snapped. It was whole last time I looked at it lol.
I'll check spark sunday, the only day i have somewhat free.
thanks for all the replies btw!
Was the motor running before the swap?
Good Luck and I hope Im wrong.
I want to just plop my z6 in there and turbo it lol