Utah's only B-series WAGON



  • ill try but its simple found master, slave and resevoir of an ek $10 and also took one of the hard brake line of the firewall to run from the slave to to the master but cant remember off what car. but you can buy a custom one at your local hose suply for under $40

    started bending a 2 inch 1/8 bar at the brake left it kind of long cause was unsure of final mesurements next I I cut a the flange to where the master bolts up. whith a piece of 1/4 by 3/4 inch bar drilled and bolted the ears not welding it yet started to try what was the best spot for the pivot when I tought I had it I tacked it and drilled the hole for the push rod on master and checked for smooth operation then welded everything.. sorry forgot to say I messured the cable to see how much it retracted

    sorry I am not much of writer but i will build one this week and take pictures and messurements of the steps off how I made it and build another off the messurements of the one I already made
  • Where in the hell did you find that d16? Them shits is rare around these parts (slc).
  • my friends mostly they are all going B-series. Some D16s on utahhondas.net but they usually want too much most of the time
  • so I bought another wagon this time an RT AWD with Z6 swap :D

    only problem its missing fourth and third pops out of gear does anyone now if I can swap parts from a crx Si tranny over to the AWD tranny
  • CarGuyCarGuy New Wagonist
    Try the tech section for some quick links.

  • diggin the white
  • installing 89 civic bumper with 87 pathfinder fogs tomorrow so I can do repairs on the wago bumper
    painted with krylon stained glass paint
  • so I got the bumper and fogs on. bumper does not fit perfect but its ok cause its not permanent
    Nice job with the fogs. They look great flushed with bumper.
  • 739.jpg
    made more brakets for friends
  • EDwEFprtsEDwEFprts Senior Wagonist
    good stuff.
    good to see another utah wagon.
    (ogden rocks!)
  • JDMWago666JDMWago666 Senior Wagonist
    Fogs look good.
  • HAHA ogden is ok but nice to see utah has more wagons then I tought was starting to feel alone lol we should do a meet

    hey thanks JDMWago666 fogs did turn out better then expected got a few brakets made they are better then the first ones I made for my wagon for anyone interested pm me and the harness was easy to make with a few junkyard parts will post schematics of wiring later
  • EDwEFprtsEDwEFprts Senior Wagonist
    ^ ya we should.
  • found a hatch
  • some snow while at the gym next to my friends E46
  • swagovanswagovan Band Wagon
    More info on that Hydro conversion?
  • sorry been busy with two CR-X and two wagons but I will make time to post more on Hydro conversion but for now been working on puting honda passport stanley fogs on the wagon
  • what year passport? I'm interested!
  • think of a 99 the isuzu trooper have them too
  • brother helped put my valve cover and broke two studs $12 later
    also slamed the wagon today
    and a picture of my motor before it got installed
    and a picture of My 97 EK
  • some stuff for the wagon new door panel and seat cover to repair my drivers side seat
  • so I found this 1 1/4 aluminum tubing thinking of making a bull bar like the shuttle what you guys think
  • just picked up some material to start building my hitch :D
  • I couldnt steal my EF8 cluster out of my crx for the wagon so I bought an another one :D
    the only problem is the little car on it has only two doors :(
  • so spent some time today finding a roof rack looked at suburu, blazer,and then I found this nice chrome roof rack from early 80's toyota wagon its just a little to wide so it has to be cut
  • yesterday I replaced broken window regulator and put on a door panel with no tears and better door handles chrome was pealing off on mine
  • today I droped the rear using some stock CRX springs so far it rides good
  • JDMWago666JDMWago666 Senior Wagonist
    Rack looks sick, how come it's not in the last pic?
    CRX suspension is going to ride smooth but bottom out a lot. Stampern has some on his and that's the only down side. Rides smooth though.
  • stampernstampern Senior Wagonist
    Ya, I can't wait to get rid of my crx springs - can barely put people in the back without the struts bottoming out. grrr
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