Seat covers?

Does anyone know where I can buy Wagon specific seat covers?

I hate the way the stock fabric looks (the drivers side has holes in it) and re-uhpolstry is expensive.


  • GlynrdGlynrd Band Wagon
    I bought some generic seat covers at Kragen that had a similar fabric design to the original seats in my wagon. They were kinda loose so I got some memory foam cushions from Target to put underneath the covers. They're still a little loose, but once they've been sat on a few times they kinda settle in place, and are pretty comfortable for as little bucks as I spent. I was thinking of putting in some racing seats like the Del Sol. I will post separately to see if anyone has done that. I find them on the net for less than $300/pair.
  • I'm really interested in this, too. My current seat covers fit like trash bags.

    Mine is an '88; I understand the '90-'91 will be different because of the electric seat belts.

    I'd even replace the seats, if it's cheap and easy. Specifically, no welding, and drilling and cutting in easily accessible areas only.
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