Int and Exh valves

Im building my sons D15b7 and want to know what bigger valves i can put in it, we are doing a turbo set up, me being a mechanic by trade so im doing all the work, but this is my first time doing any performance work on a honda and want to get about 250 - 300 hp range, doing a stage 3 cam, h-beam rods and still havent decided what pistons yet, gonna mill the haed and polish it just want to go bigger on the valve.


  • What turbo are you going to run?
  • The valves in the D16Z6/D16Y7/D16Y8 heads are all 1mm larger, but you'll need to either open up the valve seats a bunch (don't know if there's enough meat) or put new larger seats in. There's a guy on that did a D16Y7/D16Y8 hybrid head (used the Y8 casting with the Y7 valvetrain) to get the bigger valves with the good ports on the Y8 head without having o deal with Vtec.
  • wrenchwrench Band Wagon
    Yeah I was thinking about using the 1.6 head, thanks though
  • If you are going to do a turbo D look up fjdistributors they have piston/rod combo kits.
    As far as oversized valves go you will be throwing your money away, just use the money to get a quality turbo.
  • wrenchwrench Band Wagon
    Thanks, just going to get a d16 head and polish it, also looking to get some 1.6 rods.
  • If you use 1.6 rods, you need a 1.6 block.
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