Lowering Woes... (please help)

Ok, I got my shocks and springs in today, they looked alright. Started mounting them up, started with the back.
The passenger rear side went on fine, the spring had some very small play in it when i put the top mount, but it went away after I mounted it on the car. The other side went on great, no play, or no problems.
Now, going to the front.. Thats another story.
So I get the stock shock/spring out, compress the spring and take the top off. I then mount the top along with the dust shield and stuff to the aftermarket shock and spring. I tightened it all up and it has about 5-8mm up and down play in the spring!!!!! WTF? The top hat is all the way down on the shock, but the spring seems too short. I tried it with the stock shock, and it was the same thing. Is this ok? When the shock compresses from the weight of the car it will make the spring mount correctly right? I'm pissed and to tired to mess with it, so I decided to stop for the night.
OH YEAH, the aftermarket shock's brake line mounts are different! One of them mounts fine, but the one closest to the outside of the car is wayy off. Will it be ok if I just leave it unbolted? THANKS
The passenger rear side went on fine, the spring had some very small play in it when i put the top mount, but it went away after I mounted it on the car. The other side went on great, no play, or no problems.
Now, going to the front.. Thats another story.
So I get the stock shock/spring out, compress the spring and take the top off. I then mount the top along with the dust shield and stuff to the aftermarket shock and spring. I tightened it all up and it has about 5-8mm up and down play in the spring!!!!! WTF? The top hat is all the way down on the shock, but the spring seems too short. I tried it with the stock shock, and it was the same thing. Is this ok? When the shock compresses from the weight of the car it will make the spring mount correctly right? I'm pissed and to tired to mess with it, so I decided to stop for the night.
OH YEAH, the aftermarket shock's brake line mounts are different! One of them mounts fine, but the one closest to the outside of the car is wayy off. Will it be ok if I just leave it unbolted? THANKS
as for the brake line thing, i have no clue without seeing it.
After I put the shock on the car, I noticed there were 4 brake line mounts, and so they were made probably for other cars also. (Integra maybe?)
So I drove the car around town and to work. (about 20 or so miles total) and the car rides great! The rear is bouncy but I was told to cut the bump stops in half and it would fix it. I'm gonna go Saturday and get my wheels aligned, then I'm going to be buying some 17s.
The shocks are Monroes, and the springs are just some regualr springs.
The car looks awesome now that it's lowered, I love it.
Without having preload on the springs, if that vehicle ever gets into any situation where its at all full extension, you are probally going to have issues when it comes back down, as in the springs seating properly on the way down.
Also be carfeull when rasing and lowering it on jack stands, make sure they seat properly when they come down!
Regardless, Im sure it looks great, just be carfeull when taking on and off the lift!
i recommend new bushings all the way around while you're down there.