The wife doesnt know what's cool.

My wife thinks wagos are for nerds. I guess I gana just have to be a nerd! Does anyone else get that reaction?


  • wagons are a little nerdy, but I still like em.
  • tracked wagontracked wagon Council Member
    They are in a sense. But when they are lowerd and all cleaned up they look sooo cool. And 4wd as an option!
  • wyld kardz ee2wyld kardz ee2 Senior Wagonist
    :mrgreen: I could care less if no one else likes it.I'm the first one in my city to have one fixed up.ill be a nerd by myself than.haha.
  • maihesmaihes Wagonist
    Ofcourse its a nerd or family car. But thats the point. Having a clean ass car and not just hopin on the ban wagon. Well i guess ur hoppin in the Wagon, now that i think of it...
  • Your wife and pretty much every other woman on earth.

    They'll change their mind, if it is a ballistic missile...or if you're at a music fest with a twin size latex mattress in the back with limo tint =D
    Cuz you know they don't wanna sleep in a tent!

    Or if you're pulling a jet ski behind it.

    Then they'll know whats up...but yea, having a clean ass car period is cool, especially when they're older like the wagos.
  • Your wife and pretty much every other woman on earth.

    Ummmm NO!
  • leWolfleWolf Senior Wagonist
    Yeah, at first my wife was kinda like "WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?". Then I gave her one and she started to really like it. When her wagon was down for two weeks she was driving my for and kept asking for her wagon back. :lol:
  • 88rt88rt Band Wagon
    that was my wife's first reaction, "you're trading the hatch for what?!?! she doesn't mind it too much now, other than the hood scoop
    her:"everybody stares at us now"
    me:"they always have, it's a civic wagon in a hick town fulled of lifted trucks"

    about the only people who drive cars are either white trash driving domestic beaters, or old people in luxo-liners. four of five or six not riced or beater hondas are owned by my small group of friends
  • tracked wagontracked wagon Council Member
    Well things are getting better. She actualy wanted to take it last nite to look at property!
  • Baby Steps...
    EE2mommy, I did say every other.
  • Baby Steps...
    EE2mommy, I did say every other.

    haha...true =)
  • tracked wagontracked wagon Council Member
    Well bad new fellas the waggy is officialy down for now. She is being painted and I have to do somthing different with the transmission. I just cant stand the auto any longer and dont know what to do about it but it will have nothing to do with an automatic. I would so much love to hear your ideas so I can source the parts. I was told about using a six speed which I do have or even going with a crv set up. Your help would be great. Also Me and another guy are bringing in containers with as many as fifty engines of all types including b20's-b16's and single vtecs among others. I have been requesting some waggy parts also so you never know!
  • wifes always don't know cars....
  • ladiesman917ladiesman917 New Wagonist
    my girl was like what the eff is that? haha but now she the quickest to jump in the wagon! :D
  • Your wife and pretty much every other woman on earth.

    They'll change their mind, if it is a ballistic missile...or if you're at a music fest with a twin size latex mattress in the back with limo tint =D
    Cuz you know they don't wanna sleep in a tent!

    Or if you're pulling a jet ski behind it.

    Then they'll know whats up...but yea, having a clean ass car period is cool, especially when they're older like the wagos.

    Yeah... The Wagon would definitely make a great festi car. I saw a few at All Good this summer. I also saw a Type R... :roll:

    But yeah, Wagons are nerdy looking cars. I'll give your wife that point, BUT... They're also boxy and quirky and awesome.
  • my wife LOVES....and i mean loves my wagon. so much so that she demanded that i find her one lol. i really didnt think she would want to drive an old ass honda wagon and damn i was wrong. we got her that 89 RT for 600 bucks that i have started to build. but yeah they are nerdy but that is the cool thing about them at least to me.
  • iboymaiboyma Wagonist
    Baby Steps...
    EE2mommy, I did say every other.
    My gf always insists on helping with the wagon, they grow on the ladies!!
  • maihesmaihes Wagonist
    made some progress... 2 weeks into my wagon ownership and my lady wants to sell her car and get the awd... theirs hope yet!
  • jameskjamesk Wagonist
    My gf just doesn't understand. Some people never will.
  • RuoccoRuocco New Wagonist
    My gf is starting to understand..... slowely.... very slowely...
  • needawagonneedawagon New Wagonist
    My girlfriend took me to pick up my car and said "I will never ride in that thing, why cant you just be okay with your xb?" But like I told her I own 2 circle cars, and 2 boxy cars now... i never think outside the box just about the box. And she likes to ride in the wagon now, and tells me i need to lower it every day haha!
  • tophertopher Band Wagon
    wagons are a love hate, you either love them or dont. They have reallllly grown on me other the last year.
  • My ex loves hers now. She put a lot of money into it and it should serve her well for a few years. As long as she remembers to check the oil!
  • Guam BombGuam Bomb Band Wagon
    New to the wagon scene but when I do get one my girl will love it as long as I take her where she wants to go.
  • driftin90driftin90 Senior Wagonist
    my wife didnt like mine. but doesnt mind either. as long as i dont act like i'm 17. lol. god i'm old
  • simplyhondasimplyhonda Council Member
    Wife loves the wagon! She encouraged me to go ahead and get it. She doesn't mind me spending time on it and she was stoaked when I brought home roof racks for it. Good Girl!
  • DRMORTYDRMORTY Council Member
    Mine Get NO Respect!

    My wife is glad is has tinted windows... So no body can see her.

    My friends call it the Dick & Jane mobile..
  • imdbuiimdbui New Wagonist
    Haha... first time the gf saw the car was when I picked her up at the airport. honking and waving her down... her face was the best: WTF!?..."where's the BMW?"
  • 1988rt1988rt Senior Wagonist
    Yup my wife wonders why I would rather drive my wagons over my new truck lol
  • saveacivicsaveacivic New Wagonist
    hooray for nerds!
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