Original Wheels

Hi there --

Just wondering how to restore my soon-to-be RT's original wheels to their brand spanking new appearance. They're the white kind with the Honda H in the middle. Dorky, but a cool kind of dorky , so I want to keep them. I just want them to look good!



  • turbo_tegturbo_teg Council Member
    powder coat them do they have plastic centers? if so buy them new from honda prolly spendy as hell
  • 89rtmama89rtmama New Wagonist
    Don't know what the centres look like, except they have an "H". I'm thinking they're steel, not plastic. But I'll have to have another look tomorrow or ... the next day ... when it's mine all mine!

  • I concur with the powder coating suggestion. You might consider going with a Silver or Black instead of the original white, just comes down to taste.
    Unless i'm wrong the 4WD rims did have plastic center caps that were just a larger size than the other models. He's probably right that they'll be pricy thru Honda...(a dipstick cost me $18 ) but you can either decide it is worth the expense to look pristine or you can just be patient till somebody here or on Ebay offers up a decent set for a decent price :)

    Last comment on the subject, to maximize your enjoyment factor, you might look into a nice set of larger Summer alloys for a more sporty drive in the dry weather, and save your stock rims with a set of Blizzaks installed for the sloppy stuff. It's a good way to insure you get around to rotating your wheels as well.
    I just bought myself a set of wheels/tires for my 2wd for $700. I just hope i can get them on and ride around a little before the snow starts to fly here. Then it's back to my steelies with the winter tread !
  • 89rtmama89rtmama New Wagonist

    That is a great idea -- I've never thought of having different wheels for different seasons. (Especially since some years the "dry" period can be about 3 weeks of summer ...) Definitely something to consider. Honestly I'm kind of fond of the unusual wheels that came stock, but I probably won't go to the expense of getting them powdercoated ... if I did I'd go with white though, just to be different. :)

  • Jenny
    if you REALLY wanted to be different.....try to get the rims color matched to whatever body color you're going to go with/ or maybe just a complimentary color :) just a suggestion

    Personally i just think think the Whitey Tighties on the stock 4WD look very drab, it's why you don't see all that many of them around.

    If you get a chance,too.....there is a 79? civic 2DR on Ebay right now that the owner had his steelies powder coated silver & they look nice and simple and shiny! It all comes down to what your preference is and what you wanna spend. Enjoy the experience !
  • quartersquarters Council Member
    i re-finished mine a few years ago.

    - go get some gritty sandpaper (150 grit) sand down the rims.
    - clean the rims well, (i just use dish soap)
    - some good primer, spray
    - any strong outdoor metal white spray paint, spray.
    - let dry.
    - spray the white paint again.
    - let dry
    - do another coat of white, or if you want the rims to shine, get a can of spray on 'clear coat'


    for the center caps
    -clean well, remove all dirt/wax (just use dish soap to clean)
    - paint entire cap white. no masking
    - use a small paintbrush to re-paint the 'H' whatever color you want.

    total bill - about $20

    i am assuming that is the ghetto answer we were all waiting for right?
  • 89rtmama89rtmama New Wagonist
    Yeah, the white wheels are nerdy. That's why I like 'em! :) If I get bored with them down the road I would probablyl replace them rather than repaint them (though the powdercoat chrome on the '79 looks pretty darn nice really).

    Quarters, the step-by-step instructions are perfect. Thanks!
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