Transmission fluid changing?

Could someone tell me how to change the tranny fluid in these cars? I've done it before, but it was just a simple drain plug out, new filter, more oil type of deal. On this, I don't see a way for the tranny to even have a filter, and I don't even see a drain plug. So if someone could let me know I would be very greatful. Thanks


  • SiWagonSiWagon Council Member
    manual or AT :?: :oops:
  • My bad, AT.
  • SiWagonSiWagon Council Member
    :oops: 2 or 4WD :?:

    I'm guessing 2.
    facing the Wgn.Look 2 the left of the dip stik.Below the side cover,toward the the drain plug.I think it's a sqaure drive plug.

    :idea: You may want to change over to a Hi-po ATF like "B&M" Trick Shift fluid.
  • I looked in the manual and it said that was the fluid check plug..

    Why would I want to change tranny fluid to that?

    It is a 2wd.

    Is there no filter on the Honda trannys?
  • HaydzHaydz Moderator
    It should be a 3/8" square recessed plug, there will be one on top (i guess thats the one you found) and one about 10cm lower (err... 3"ish? lol), not underneath the box but very close to the bottom.
  • SiWagonSiWagon Council Member
    The reason for the B&M fluid is it's formulated for more spirited driving,longer tranny life,Firmer shifts,higher pressures & lower temps.You don't need to change out all the fluid(6qts.(3lts)approx).It can be blended.Just do the STD. AT oil change(3qts(1.5 ltrs)approx.) every 30,000miles(48,000km).It's only about $10 total unless you go synthetic($25.00). :P Ask about it at any V8 hot rodder speed shop.

    :idea: I highly recommend the 30K oil change (factory spec)& installing a trans cooler(90% of AT failures are from HEAT).Honda AT's need all the help it can get.They're NOT that strong.

    :arrow: Oh.1 more thing:Honda AT trans fluid level is checked on level ground with Engine off(w/in 1 minute of engine shut down).
    :twisted: DON'T overfill above the upper mark or underfill below the lower mark unless u want the tranny to FAIL :!:
  • HaydzHaydz Moderator
    Yes AT coolers are pretty cheap and will allow you to add in a filter if yours doesn't already have one.
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