Anyone ever sound deaden their wagon?

im sorta used to the road noise of a civic but its so nice and quite everytime i ride in a newer car. so i was thinking about dynamating it then i found this cheaper alternative. anyone ever done this? does it help reduce road noise?
1)Shifter console. I know this sounds strange,while at the junkyard I noticed that some hondas & Acuras had some(gray cotton stuff)glued to the under side of the shift console.
2)Under the carpets.You'll notice this in the Accords and better insulated cars even in the rear of the CRX.
:arrow: You'll notice the better insulated cars also weight more 'cuz of all the added insulation.
3)bonus round. :shock: A belly pan.Guys on the hypermiler forums that have tried this reported quieter rides plus incresed gas mileage.My thinking is a lower front spoiler.May not be as quiet ,but may help.
Pretty good info, and a slightly cheaper solution that can probably be had at your hardware store...
It cost about 30 bucks a roll, it looks like what comes shock with most cars.
All i did is sprayed it with 3m 80 contact to adhere it in. Worked great !!