Anyone with viscous coupler issues on 4wd?

New to the forum but definitely not new to Hondas. I just bought a 4wd 90 Wagon for $180. The viscous coupler is bad and makes the rear skip when turning. I disengaged 4wd and can drive the car this way but defeats the purpose of why I bought it. I have the Helms manual at work(Im a Honda technician) and although the book says the coupler isnt serviceable I was wondering if anyone has disassembled it regardless. I may give it a shot but I would rather toss a used V.C on the car and be done with it. Im not worried since the car was so cheap and its in great condition for its age. Ill snap a few pics tomorrow since its on my lift at work. Glad to be a part of the forum. Hope I can contribute. TIA


  • Solscud007Solscud007 New Wagonist
    nice buy. lucky. i jsut recently got my 2wd for 250. but you got yoruself a deal. i want a 4wd.
  • turbo_tegturbo_teg Council Member
    excuse me if im asking a dumb question (im a mechanic and i dont understand this part as well) what is it? where is it located? and i know it has something to do with engaging the rear end when the frotn tires slip but how does it work?
  • HaydzHaydz Moderator
    Think of it like a clutch that engages or disengegs drive between front and rear... its in the centre of the two-piece driveshaft.
  • turbo_tegturbo_teg Council Member
    ahh for some reason i was thinking it was part of the diff.
  • it has a in and out shaft and a bunch of little plates like 40 or so and when magic fluid inside heats up from slipping it locks you center diff .. but any way that should not effect you turning that would aply to your rear diff ...
  • oncesironcesir Band Wagon
    I performed the stall test per the Helms and the coupler failed. I disengaged 4wd and have no problems with the "skipping" at the rear tires during a turn. I may play around with disconnecting the driveshafts and attempt to turn it(the center coupler) by hand to see what happens. It has a few other issues but nothing major. TIA
  • oncesironcesir Band Wagon
    I wanted to update this thread since the coupler was faulty. I luckily found a 4wd wagon at the local junkyard. I grabbed the front prop shaft and the V.C. 4wd works perfectly now and the rear doesnt skip when turning. I am nearly 100% positive that the cause for the coupler to fail was the incorrect mismatched tires from front to rear. The car is a blast to drive in the sand. Hope this helps someone else at some point.
  • yes i drove mine on a spare for a short time and it pissed it off tire size can really agervate drivetrains
  • oncesir wrote:
    I wanted to update this thread since the coupler was faulty. I luckily found a 4wd wagon at the local junkyard. I grabbed the front prop shaft and the V.C. 4wd works perfectly now and the rear doesnt skip when turning. I am nearly 100% positive that the cause for the coupler to fail was the incorrect mismatched tires from front to rear. The car is a blast to drive in the sand. Hope this helps someone else at some point.

    Little known fact, good tip to anyone with a 4WD. Tires must match front to rear, or else the differantial and drivetrain will grind itself apart. I had a buddy with a Talon that had slightly differant tires, and ruined an entire drivetrain overtime.
  • oncesironcesir Band Wagon
    Also before I lay this topic to rest. Has anyone else had to replace the u joints on the prop shafts? I have what feels like a u joint vibration from the rear that turns on and off at certain speeds. TIA
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