Anyone with viscous coupler issues on 4wd?
Band Wagon
New to the forum but definitely not new to Hondas. I just bought a 4wd 90 Wagon for $180. The viscous coupler is bad and makes the rear skip when turning. I disengaged 4wd and can drive the car this way but defeats the purpose of why I bought it. I have the Helms manual at work(Im a Honda technician) and although the book says the coupler isnt serviceable I was wondering if anyone has disassembled it regardless. I may give it a shot but I would rather toss a used V.C on the car and be done with it. Im not worried since the car was so cheap and its in great condition for its age. Ill snap a few pics tomorrow since its on my lift at work. Glad to be a part of the forum. Hope I can contribute. TIA
Little known fact, good tip to anyone with a 4WD. Tires must match front to rear, or else the differantial and drivetrain will grind itself apart. I had a buddy with a Talon that had slightly differant tires, and ruined an entire drivetrain overtime.