Shock, springs, and questions.

Alright I was thinking the other night about how the stock Wagon shock spring mount was higher than your regular Civic. Now, wouldn't that make the Spring smaller in order to compensate for the taller mount on the stock Wagon shock? And if this is so, why couldn't we used a stock Civic shock and then a stock Wagon spring, that way we could lower it and not worry about the Wagon being too heavy for the springs.

Has anyone tried this or looked into this more? Seems like it would work. Does anyone know how long aftermarket springs are with a 2" drop? I'd like to know that way I could mesure the stock Wagon springs and compare.

If anyone has any info it would be great.


  • duckie8310duckie8310 Senior Wagonist
    good question

    we always refer back to this page, its got tons of good info on it. i spent like ten minutes reading trying to make sense of your question....

    from what i understand...the wagon springs is taller than the EF spring, to compensate for the shorter perch height. therefore using wagon shock with EF lowering springs would SLAM the crap out of the wagon. so using EF shocks with wagon springs would make the wagon's rear sit high.

    most of us have the EF shock/spring set up for lowering. most lifting was done with teg components

    anyone hear from clsmooth lately?
  • SiWagonSiWagon Council Member
    clsmooth:annoying at times,but I miss the little guy :cry: He did a lot for this site.He modded his Wgn a whole lot.Hopefully he graduates...gets a job & returns. :|
  • Thanks guys. I had it in my mind that the Wagon spring mount was higher than the regular Civic not lower.

    I suppose I'll have to resort to the other ways then.
  • duckie8310duckie8310 Senior Wagonist
    well last i heard, or remember, was that his ZC block cracked. i wonder if he got it fixed or what? it would suck if that wagon got sold to someone else or worse. let's hope the wagon still lives...(and breathes)
  • SiWagonSiWagon Council Member
    WHat's you objective :?: If you just want to drop it.Use gen4 rear springCRX,HB or sdn) on the Wgn shx.
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