my rides ....past & present

well here they are, i had a couple of these pix on the previous site till it went bye bye,
lemme know whatcha think

My 90 DX, I'll soon have newer pix with a sweet new paint job and new shoes as well!!! wooo hooo!!!

my old faithful 88RT4WD, sold her to somebody on this forum

Here's my pride & joy! a Japanese Honda Gyro Canopy

Ha HA .....I figured it's almost snow time in WI so here's a shot of the Honda i use then!

Here's a US version of the Gyro that i recently rebuilt and then sold on Ebay

here's my summertime Honda

And lastly....for now, my only non-Honda vehicle
Let's hear what you guys think. As soon as my new paint job is done, I'll get those pix up. As well as some shots of the wife's new Civic & maybe even my new Fit.
lemme know whatcha think

My 90 DX, I'll soon have newer pix with a sweet new paint job and new shoes as well!!! wooo hooo!!!

my old faithful 88RT4WD, sold her to somebody on this forum

Here's my pride & joy! a Japanese Honda Gyro Canopy

Ha HA .....I figured it's almost snow time in WI so here's a shot of the Honda i use then!

Here's a US version of the Gyro that i recently rebuilt and then sold on Ebay

here's my summertime Honda

And lastly....for now, my only non-Honda vehicle

Let's hear what you guys think. As soon as my new paint job is done, I'll get those pix up. As well as some shots of the wife's new Civic & maybe even my new Fit.
If anyone has seen another i would love to hear about it cuz the wife needs one of her own! I recently purchased one in Great Britain off of the UK version of Ebay. I have a buddy that lives there who has agreed to disassemble it and get it shipped to me.Apparently US Customs has a problem letting in awesome vehicles that get over 50 MPG.