Getting very hard starting on occasion?

Lately my 91 rt has been starting very hard sometimes.. today i cranked it over multiple times to get it to started. First time it started it died again right away.. Then it started, and seemed to run fine... Something has to be going out somewhere.. Just wondering if you could help me figure out where to start.. Thanks !


  • JakerJaker familEE
    Is the car warm when this happens, or does it do it 1st thing in the morning when it's stone cold?
  • MotionMotion New Wagonist
    So far i think its only done it when its warm.. I cant remember if it did it once cold or not, but i dont think it has.. Tends to be when i stop at a gas station or something, come out and its really hard to get started.
  • JakerJaker familEE
    Main relay. Do a search either here or on Google, and you'll find more info than you could possibly ever need.
  • MotionMotion New Wagonist
    Awesome, i will check into it right away.. Thank you very much !!!
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