MPFI blues...

so i'm almost a week into my MPFI swap.

that's right. a week.

everything is installed, all connections soldered and heat-shrunk (wire loomed and taped like o.e., too), but no start.

ecu throwing a code 4. TDC/CRANK/CYL sensor. go through the factory troubleshooting process, everything checks out - except the ecu. bad, bad ecu.

now i'm stuck trying to find another ecu - because i'm sure as hell not taking all this crap back off again.

no local salvage yards have any - but they can order one. for $150+, with no idea of when it would show up. nope, not going to do that. could go eBay route - in fact, i'm bidding on one now - but then i have to hope the new ecu is good, and i'm not getting screwed like last time.


just had to vent.


  • did you get the si distributor?

    * 88-91 Civic/CRX Si Complete Intake manifold w/Throttlebody and Injectors
    * 88-91 Civic/CRX Si Complete Distributor(TD-02U)
    * 88-91 Civic/CRX Si Complete Engine Wiring Harness
    * 88-91 Civic/CRX Si Injector Resistor Box
    * 88-91 Civic/CRX Si PM6 ECU
    * 88-91 Civic/CRX Si Throttle Cable
  • I had the same problem. I ended up having the wrong year distributor. Once I chnaged that I had another problem, fuel injectors were spliced from the harness. To resolve this I wired the injectors stright from the ECU instead or wiring though the harness. After that it started right up.

    Hopefully this is some help.
  • HaydzHaydz Moderator
    The CYP, Crank and TDC are all generally in the dizzy so as mrwagovan said, sounds like dizzy.
  • yes, i've got the correct distributor. and the distributor and wiring are all o.k.

    the ecu does some other funky stuff, too. it's a bad ecu, trust me.
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