What wheels are these?

I have came in contact with 3 wheels from a honda.. i think CRX? (for free) I was wondering if anyone knew what car exactly and the name of these wheels if they have one.



  • northwest_war_wagonnorthwest_war_wagon Senior Wagonist
    look like accord wheels maybe... def not crx wheels
  • needawagonneedawagon New Wagonist
    hmm they probably wont fit then... let me do some searching on the internet...
  • CharbCharb Administrator
    Don't think I've ever seen those before. Do they say Honda on the actual wheel? Always possible it's something different with Honda center caps. But who knows.

    An older 4x100 accord wheel would fit your wagon. I think up to 89 was that way. But search around and let us know for sure.
  • leWolfleWolf Senior Wagonist
    uk civic, I know I've seen these and I'm pretty sure they're uk.
  • needawagonneedawagon New Wagonist
    Charb1618 wrote:
    Don't think I've ever seen those before. Do they say Honda on the actual wheel? Always possible it's something different with Honda center caps. But who knows.

    An older 4x100 accord wheel would fit your wagon. I think up to 89 was that way. But search around and let us know for sure.

    they say honda on the actual wheel also.... ive just never seen this wheel b4. But im going to a honda junk yard tomorrow here in NC ill ask them or see if i find one out on another car.
  • 88hybrid88hybrid Wagonist
    i think these are off like an 86 prelude maybe a little older. a buddy of mine had these on his first car which was an 86 prelude.
  • jpciiijpciii familEE
    Looks like early/mid-80's Honda to me. Good luck finding a 4th.
  • needawagonneedawagon New Wagonist
    these dont fit anyway... i tried to put one on the other day and the bolt pattern is diff. oh well now to get rid of them
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