Changing My Speedometer Cluster Lights to Hyper White LEDs!

I started by removing the speedometer cluster. After that, I changed the 194/168 regular light bulbs for T10 LEDs. I got them on eBay. Since I am in USA, I bought the ones on United States to get them quicker. You could shop around at your own convenience. They have many different ones but I tried most of them and the best ones were the following (See Picture 1 below):

and I found them here (Please shop around at your own convenience):
Then, I changed the other three smaller 74 regular light bulbs for T5 White LED Light bulbs. Check them out (See Picture 2):

and I found them here:
Also, I had to change the speedometer cluster inner top amber needle illuminator panel for a clear blue one from a 1992 Honda Accord one. Of course, it does not fit right up but it would after some modifications. This is a most to give your speedometer cluster a white clean look. Of course, that modification would not be needed if the cluster would have had been changed to hyper amber instead of super white :-) ...
I hope that this post could help any one! Enjoy!

and I found them here (Please shop around at your own convenience):
Then, I changed the other three smaller 74 regular light bulbs for T5 White LED Light bulbs. Check them out (See Picture 2):

and I found them here:
Also, I had to change the speedometer cluster inner top amber needle illuminator panel for a clear blue one from a 1992 Honda Accord one. Of course, it does not fit right up but it would after some modifications. This is a most to give your speedometer cluster a white clean look. Of course, that modification would not be needed if the cluster would have had been changed to hyper amber instead of super white :-) ...
I hope that this post could help any one! Enjoy!

same here im kinda wanting to do a GSR cluster to ditch the dam speedo cable and to have more RPM's and MPH's but this looks awsome....
I'm leaning more towards an SiR or CRV. I miss the bold amber of my EM1...
Drive to Spokane goddamnit!
Thank you very much.
LOL... Yeah, you are right...
Thank you!
I did not want to change the OEM look in the inside... So I rather went for the LEDs...
Yes, the SIR is a great looking speedometer....
You are right, for some reason, the "unleaded fuel only", "mph", and the "x1000 min" did not change even with the LED upgrade. Now that you mentioned, I will double check if there are separated light bulbs for that part... I will let you know...
Dont they have colored plastic behind them? It suck pulling it apart but it's totally worth it so you can change all the colors in it. Like I did my last crx with blue plastic from a storage tote. just trimmed it to fit and replace the old color shields. It looked pretty cool!
Yes, I have not had time to get around it but I will check for possible color shields behind the lettering... Thanks.
Yes, I used 3 of each one. Please note that I ordered some light bulbs from sellers outside of the USA and they took almost a month to get it. So please take that in consideration when placing an order.
Yes, I agreed... However, what I think that gave the cluster that clean look was that change on the needle ilumination upper panel from orange (original one) to blue one (from a 1993 Honda Accord)...
Yeap, I thought the same thing before I did the light bulb swap... and it is not that expensive either...
! there !
yep, one of my bad jokes...
one day you will discover...
Yes, I could still dim the lights....
LOL... Very funny man!!
I want to make my tach, speedo and gas/temp gauges green, purple and orange respectively. But I'm concerned about heat and the fact that I can't get a hold of any hyper or single bulb purple LED's. After all, I don't want to burn out my bulbs constantly or start a fire by burning the plastic in the cluster.
I have not felt any temperature change in my dash... They are not hot at all. These LED burned quickly though. I have two burned LEDs now. I may have bought very cheap ones.... I do not know... Do not worry about heat.... :-)
Reaccion ive been getting all my leds for all my project from
give them a try.. they also have multiple color leds within a single replacement ..
Yeah, I may given them a try! Thanks man!
I am glad that you liked my thread. I was looking at the light bulbs in the link that you sent me. I am actually surprised that I did not see any type of light bulbs like the ones you sent me in the main cluster. I noticed some of those in the rear window defroster switch. However, I could not find them on the dash. Please let me know if those light bulbs with plastic base are located in the speedometer cluster or somewhere else in the dashboard. I hope that I could help.
Okay, I understand. In my case, I changed the whole upper part for a clear blue one from a 1992 Honda Accord one. Of course, it does not fit right up but it would after some modifications. This is a most to give your speedometer cluster a white clean look. Of course, that modification would not be needed if the cluster would have had been changed to hyper amber instead of super white!!
LOL, it is not a problem. I am glad that I could actually help. Yes, that strip was the one I changed for the 92 Accord. I cut it up nicely to make fit.
Since the 92 Accord strip is slightly blue, I used the same factory bulbs to light up the needles. So, I did not use a different bulb for those. I used the same factory light bulbs.