Overheating! help

well heres my problem only wen i sit still for long periods of time the car (91 fwd auto wagon) starts to overheat with ac fullblast with about 80degrees outside...only in summer this happens.. new thermostate flushed with atifreeze also fan wired directly.... it happened at the end of last summer and hasnt happen since untill a couple of days ago.. the car doesnt hasitate smoke or run funky...it has 71,000 miles on it. it doest do it at light just as if parked in the sun and go inside store or house for like 20mins... if its in the shade maybe like after an hour or so...i never overheated it to the extreme....if i drive it around town stop an go, lights etc. i get home and the resivior is overflowing even if the guage doesnt read obove the lil temp symbol....this car is my wifes and just uses it to go take kids to school and back..so no racing etc....PLEASE HELP>>>

also no oil in water and no water in oil....


  • SiWagonSiWagon Council Member
    Do your fans work?
  • leWolfleWolf Senior Wagonist
    So when did you replace your thermostat? Maybe installed it backwards? Im just wondering exactly what's going on. I know this sounds horrible but your water pump might be going. Good luck with this, it's all about trial and elimination.
  • 91awd91awd Wagonist
    Yes both fans work .... the rad fan is wired directly...nope I installed the thermo in right..... from my understanding the water pump is direct drive and always pumping and the only time it goes bad is when water starts dripping out the weep hole.....but that's just my opion I don't really know...
  • SiWagonSiWagon Council Member
    ...if i drive it around town stop an go, lights etc. i get home and the resivior is overflowing even if the guage doesnt read obove the lil temp symbol.

    Sounds like a bad cap?

    Does the fan come on when the AC on?
  • 91awd91awd Wagonist
    I replace the cap also, and the ac fan comes on like it should....... I think it my have a blown head gasket but not sure...I noticed that around the tip of the exhaust there's always condisation not like coming out like a leaking faucet just like a mist inside the exhaust..(her exahaust is aftermarket tanabi hyper madellian so the tip is like 3in in diameter)....how can I check for a blown head gasket I don't have a compression tester anymore its M.I.A now...lol
  • 91awd91awd Wagonist
    Also it water doesn't come out the cap it olny comes out the resivor bottle
  • 91awd91awd Wagonist
    any other info.....
  • stampernstampern Senior Wagonist
    When you're done driving, is the over flow tank bubbling? Kinda like your blowing bubbles in your chocolate milk?? If so it's most likely head gasket. I've had this happen a couple times over the years. There is some stuff you can add to your coolant that will turn it a specific color if there are exhaust gases in your coolant. That's how you check if it's headgasket. Ask for it at your parts store. I've never used it, but my mechanic buddy uses it all the time.
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