Auto to 5 speed swap
Band Wagon
I want to take an auto HCW RT4WD auto and convert it to a manual. Has anyone completed this swap? is it even possible?
Try searching on Honda-Tech and google, I remember finding some links for newer civics but the conversion is practically the same. I think someone on this forum was doing a conversion, can't remember if it was a wagon or not.
Off the top of my head you'll need:
5spd RT4WD Tranny
Shift linkage and shifter (HAS to be from a RT Wagon)
5spd ECU (Don't know if you need a specific one for RT)
5spd Pedal Cluster (Major pain in the ass to swap, recommend swapping the old gas pedal to the 5spd cluster so you don't have to swap throttle cables)
Clutch cable & firewall grommet
You have to do a little creative wiring to get the reverse lights to work and to trick the car into thinking it is in park so it will start (not hard, might have to something for the speedo too, can't remember)
5spd gauges (optional, I'm still using the auto cluster in my hatch)
There was some sort of linkage from the throttle body to the auto tranny that you'll need to remove (might not have to do it on the RT wagon since its MPFI, DX is DPFI)
5spd tranny mounts (had to change at least one on mine, probably the same for RT)
5spd Flywheel, Flywheel bolts (the 12 point ones), clutch, etc.
On my hatch I had to drill a couple holes(for bolts) to mount the shift linkage/shifter (don't know if it is the same on the RT Wagon since it uses a cable shifter)
I read on a couple of sites that I needed 5spd axles but the auto axles were exactly the same and work fine
That's all I can remember right now, if you have any more questions I can try to answer them the best I can.
Searching is your friend, I found out all the info I needed with out posting on any forums or emailing anybody. The information is out there, you just need to put the time and effort into finding it.
Good luck.
EDIT: Found a couple of links I emailed myself (by far the best link I found, has a link to the pedal swap in the first post too)