Suspension bushings

Hi. I'm the owner of an S2000 and I just bought a used 91 AWD wagon for my son. I'm active on the S2000 forum and I was very happy to find this forum for the wagon. Thanks!!! My first question (many more to come) is about the suspension bushings. The car I bought my son seemed to ride fine, but when he brought it in for the state safety inspection, the garage told my son that some of the suspension bushings were blown out and needed to be replaced. Is this a common problem? The car has 130K on it, so I guess anything could be possible. Thanks in advance for your time.



  • Update: The repair shop wants $375 to change out 4 bushings. This sounds like a rip off to me, but the car is 150 miles away.
  • Bushings are a common issue on older Civics. Its really more of an age thing than mileage. The rubber gets old/dry and eventually cracks.
    Some bushings are easy to replace, some are a real PITA.
    $375 as a fair price depends on what four bushings we're talking about.
  • davens wrote:
    Bushings are a common issue on older Civics. Its really more of an age thing than mileage. The rubber gets old/dry and eventually cracks.
    Some bushings are easy to replace, some are a real PITA.
    $375 as a fair price depends on what four bushings we're talking about.

    Thanks for the reply. The four are the front two lower strut assembly bushings (supposedly two hours) and a single rear lower control arm at the two points where it attaches to the chassis.
  • HaydzHaydz Moderator
    Rear Lower Control Arm or Rear Trailing Arm?

    Rear trailing Arm bushes are about $65 ea. (NZD) (urethane) and takes around 30 minutes per side.. mine cost me $224 inc GST (NZD) all up.

    As for Lower Control arm bushes... no idea. :oops:

    Make sure you get an alignment once the job is complete.
  • dona83dona83 Band Wagon
    That answers my questions about cost. :shock:
  • HaydzHaydz Moderator
    224.00 NZD


    179.793 CAD

  • jpciiijpciii familEE
    almost $400??? sounds like a complete rip-off to me... I'd shop around.
  • HaydzHaydz Moderator
    jpciii wrote:
    almost $400??? sounds like a complete rip-off to me... I'd shop around.

    Is this in reference to the original price quoted for the 4 front bushes and labour? If so then yeah its a complete ripoff. The bushes would need to be made of gold...
  • sic944tsic944t Wagonist
    i would say its bogus you gotta ask your self what you want from the car i have had many of them and i have 225,000 and still had the OEM bushings they are all completely thrashed
    but it comes down to ride and noise and the cars overall quality if you think youll have it for along time and you wanna keep it nice then replace them but cahnces are they are making it sound worse than it is there is no rubber bushing on an older civic which poses a safety threat as long as your ball joints and wheel bearing are ok the car is probably fine
  • HaydzHaydz Moderator
    A car isn't allowed on the road here if the bushes have cracks or are deteriorating in any way. It is definately a safety thing.
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