Help on Block Stamp

so ya dumb ass question on that my bad to many days with my son being sick and not thinking of abbreviation of the two go me, Anyways is it capable of having vtech heads and other mods without alot of other mods heh or am i just better off buying a vtech motor and welding new engine mounts if its a newer motor


  • You don't need an engine number to know whether or not it is a dohc or a sohc, just look at the valve cover. If anything at least post a pic of the motor.
  • TizmTizm Band Wagon
    alright lol guess i just need to open my eyes next time well anything about the intake manifold such as which ecu would work best for 4 speed auto after i install the new stuff and here is a pic of his work to the photo.jpg
  • Mandalore88Mandalore88 Senior Wagonist
    you won't need to weld anything.

    there are tons of choices for upgrading your motor.

    the D16Z6 from the 92-95 civic ex or si would be a great swap to research.
  • vtecn8ivevtecn8ive Senior Wagonist
    What was the question?
  • leWolfleWolf Senior Wagonist
    vtecn8ive wrote:
    What was the question?

    Was there even a question? :shock:
  • TizmTizm Band Wagon
    well ok, I have a friend of mine that has a set of vtec heads but have to take them to a machine shop to have them checked have been off his 92 civic for about a year now he is also selling me the ecu intake man fuel rail and injectors for 75$. Other then the plug i need to remove from the block how hard of a swap is this going to be? a one day project or weekend thing and any tips would be greatly appreciated and the original timing belt should work right? oh btw the ecu isnt made for a vtec he had his rigged to a toggle switch *sorta funny imo* so i know a RPM activation switch would be alot nicer to install
  • peekoopeekoo New Wagonist
    do you have a FWD or 4WD wagon?
  • 91_wago91_wago Wagonist
    theres only one head not a set of two. it sounds like you dont know much about turning a wrench so it might take you a weekend to do. your gona have to convert it to mpfi. search that and mini me swap. and its really hard to understand what your even saying.
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