DIY Lip out of wagon bumper filler

I just tried this out today, works pretty well in my opinion. There is enough plastic left on the ends to cut a little off and then wrap it around the corner with the heat gun to make it look clean. The only modification I had to make so far was to cut the little fins off of the top of the bumper filler so it would sit flush with the bumper (if you go look at yours you will see what I mean). I still need to go at it with a heat gun, maybe readjust some of the screws a little, and maybe add a few more here and there. I just used a little fastener kit from Harbor Freight, screwed right through both pieces of plastic with the biggest screws in the pack with just a screwdriver, not too hard I just used 4 screws. A drill would be much easier though....
I need to cut a little more plastic off of the bumper filler on the side here to make it sit flush, and wrap the end around 90 deg with a heat gun.


  • turbo_tegturbo_teg Council Member
    man what will us wagon folks not make a lip out of....
  • udubrx7udubrx7 Senior Wagonist
    I haven't made it fit any better yet, but I put the bumper on the car real quick just for some more pics.
  • turbo_tegturbo_teg Council Member
    i like it kinda has a splitter look to it.
  • udubrx7udubrx7 Senior Wagonist
    Thanks that's really what I was going for, trying to make it a little different from the majority of the EF lips people have made.
  • dj alodj alo Wagonist
    turbo_teg wrote:
    i like it kinda has a splitter look to it.

    that what i thought. maybe ill mount one to the bottom of my lip as a splitter
  • turbo_tegturbo_teg Council Member
    i like it i want to see how clean the heat gun action is. ive got a 91 4 door bumper im gunna use on my next wagon just not sure what lip i want but this is definetly a possibility. also have a spoon wanna be lip for an EG but that might not flow well well.
  • JP PatchesJP Patches Band Wagon
    i dig that
  • turbo_tegturbo_teg Council Member
    ever get anywhere with this?
  • udubrx7udubrx7 Senior Wagonist
    Nah not yet, I've been having engine problems..... just need to get a heat gun and some free time.
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