Change all 4 tires at once ?
New Wagonist
The AWD that i bought has front tires with decent to good looking tread.. But the back were dry rotted.. Is it ok to put new tires on with out changing all 4 ? Someone had mentioned too put the tallest tread in the front? Is that ok to do ? or is it necessary to change all of them ?
No it won't matter. Just keep all four the same size. ... re-change/
I would also try and make sure they are all the same speed rating.
Ask the guy over on H-T how hot the viscous coupler in his RT4WD Del Sol got when he switched out the CRV rear diff for a Wagon one and installed a Wagon driveshaft with viscous coupler. Since the CRV diff has a slightly shorter drive ratio than the Wagon one, his viscous coupler was active fulltime, and it got insanely hot.
Motion, if it were me, i would just go ahead and buy a full matching set of tires so you can perform rotations regularly(6k-8k normnally suggested). i dont know how old the other 2 newer tires are but keep in mind that tires are generally good for about 5 years before they show signs of dry rot. If this were a 2wd vehicle, i wouldn't stress it too much but taking the risk in ruining the RT4WD drive train to save a couple bucks isn't worth it.
if you're still leaning towards the idea of purchasing 2 new tires, i would look into bring the new tires to a shop that can shave them down to at most, 4/32nds of the older tires. i have no idea how much it costs but it seems kinda silly to take this route as well