Believe it or not, I keep sending them requests for these. I am sure the frequency of the requests have slowed but I am not givin up.
So long as they their request form available online, I'll keep sending them.
I've never told a close look at a visor.Here's the good & bad of it.
If it's Vacuum formed it can be made.
If it's Injection molded it will NOT be made.Too $$$$$$$
The prob with vac.frm. parts is that it may warp or melt in very hot suuny weather.
Vacuum forming is probably the way to go.It can be done cheap enough to be made here in the US of A.To keep the cost down.One of us has to make the wooden molds ,which can be taken to a Vacuum Former to make.The other nice thing is that you can choose any Acrylicplasticcolour available.
Bringing back to life... I'm assuming since no one has posted in here lately this isn't happening... (sent a request anyway) I'm going to try calling them direct and see what's up, I'm sure between all of us and the other forums they realize the interest is there...?
I called them last week. You know they mad when the person on the other end of the line sighs heavily and say "noooo we don't have visors for that year"
I called them last week. You know they mad when the person on the other end of the line sighs heavily and say "noooo we don't have visors for that year"
dude thats hilarious...
but i got something under my hat ..
got 2 pair of fronts on the way (well paid and received my email confirmation) .... and im working on the rear window by measuring old school toyota things..
or anything else i can find with a similar shaped window..
hope they come out.
So long as they their request form available online, I'll keep sending them.
you should to! hahha
they probably sub it out to some chinese manufacturer.
so i just emailed a chinese manufacturer. they said they'll contact me in a couple weeks.
i described the application for a civic beagle/civic shuttle/civic wagon which is all the same windows.
i have my fingers crossed.
You are AWESOME for doing that.
Thanks man!
If it's Vacuum formed it can be made.
If it's Injection molded it will NOT be made.Too $$$$$$$
The prob with vac.frm. parts is that it may warp or melt in very hot suuny weather.
Vacuum forming is probably the way to go.It can be done cheap enough to be made here in the US of A.To keep the cost down.One of us has to make the wooden molds ,which can be taken to a Vacuum Former to make.The other nice thing is that you can choose any Acrylic plastic colour available.
but i got something under my hat ..
got 2 pair of fronts on the way (well paid and received my email confirmation) .... and im working on the rear window by measuring old school toyota things..
or anything else i can find with a similar shaped window..