Car died while driving
So I was driving on the freeway doing about 70mph when I left off the gas since I was going down hill and my car DIED... it just shut off... so I pulled over and tried to start the car... power seems fine car turns over but will not fire on... I also tried pop starting the car with no success...
On a side note the check engine light that I had isn't there any more... I don't know if that means anything...
On a side note the check engine light that I had isn't there any more... I don't know if that means anything...
Does the engine crank over when your turn the ignition and just won't start? Or does the engine just not even want to crank?
Have you done any recent repairs or work to the car? Answering these questions will help isolate the cause of your problem without just shooting out random suggestions.
Everything comes on fine... lights, radio, etc...
Car turns over but will not start completely
No major repairs or any work... actually my car ran out if gas a few days ago don't know if that means anything...
I have a new relay (about year old) but even with the old relay the car never stopped while driving... it was just hard to start sometimes...
I will check on this thanks for the input....
I tried starting the car after I check the cap n rotor and I heard a sound coming out of the muffler it sounded like a very faint or low back fire...
HOWTO: Spot Ignitor problems
Your oiling prob could be that the valve cover gasket rings above the plugs are bad(leaking).
or can i laugh...
just assking...
I hope
This is what I was thinking....
??? :?: :?: :?:
Thank you for tips... I will do this tomorrow n get back to you....
Actually she is...
And with all the trouble she's been giving me lately I still have faith in her... rtawd fo life... LOL...
me and my big...
all the luck man...
you need some dough
too... I guess
not if you'r lucky
I guess...
! but if you don't grind
you don't eat
so, any luck yet ?
LOL... I'm waiting till Saturday when I have some time but I got a coil pack from a buddy going to try n see what happens...
Gas was a full tank... so I'm good...
Checked the timing belt its dead on...