Passenger mirror questions

I did some quick searches and got some great info but I'm still stuck. I've got a 91 wagon with no passenger mirror. I have an 89 parts wagon that does have one. Will the 89 mirror go onto my 91? I was also wondering if there are any threads explaining the process. I've been bummed on not having it and thinking it was impossible until I ran across someone selling it because it was "rare" on here, so that got me to searching out other threads and here I am now. So yeah, any love for me? Thanks ya'll!
Buy a Chilton.
Then hopefully you wont have to ask a question every time you do something this small.
For anyone who doesn't have a chilton and comes across this issue. There is a piece that pops into place near the top of the plate/tip. Just pull there and it should pop, once it pops, pull up a little and it should be free if it isn't already.
I'll post back with how the swap goes...
you have to remove the interior door panel and then it is painfully obvious how to put the mirror on.
this is false.