Terrible run of bad luck lately...

It started about two weeks ago when my battery finally gave out. not a huge issue, i had a spare.
Enter, New Years Eve. The significant other when out partying and I stayed home with the little guy, she came home and informed me she lost the keys and they might be in the trunk area. The car was at the ski hill so i put all my gear on in the morning and hitch-hiked up to the ski hill with my board, every intention to find the keys and be riding the morning, getting in my car and heading for Revelstoke to meet up with old friends from when i was a Lifty.
no keys.
quick call to my mechanic brother. 'hey dave, i need to start my car with no keys, with the minimal amount of tools."
he gave me the information i needed, and after borrowing a few tools from one of the ski hill maintenance team members i was rolling again in 1.5 hours. after doing this once, i could probably steal your wagon in under a minute. don't PM me asking how, i'm not going to be telling anyone how to steal cars.
I don't get to ride that morning and head to Nakusp anyway. Meet up with one friend, only to find out his 'house' is actually just a shack. No running water, no heat, no phone. I can rough it when i have to, but i don't really like it. i embrace technology and comforts. I kicked a few square feet worth of junk out of the way and sleep on the floor in a sleeping bag with no zipper. i could see my breath. un-impressed.
the bright spot comes in Monday with lots of fresh snow for my friends and I when we arrive in my home town and we ski/snowboard all day monday on fresh, choking on snow. it snows all evening and we all decide to take yet another day off from whatever we were avoiding on monday.
tuesday. NO POWER AT THE SKI HILL. some dumbass tree-faller fell a tree on the power line and blew up a transformer. it was blue-bird skies on fresh fresh pow. the place was packed with un-impressed people of all backgrounds.
wed. i go to the dealership with my insurance and Id thinking they can just cut me a key. turns out this back-woods stupid dealership doesn't even have a key cutter. they tell me to go to the lock-smith place and they can figure out a key for me with the ignition i still had. turns out they wanted 80$ to do it. F*ck that. i walk out and get into my car... turn the screw driver i now use for a key and...
i can hear the starter turning... but nothing is happening. that's messed up. pop the hood... give the starter a tap... the damn thing falls right off!!! it seems the lower bolt had backed out and gone missing, lord knows when. and the top bolt was not enough to keep the top mounting bracket from snapping completely off the starter. #$@#$*&(*&
luckily my significant other was driving by when i was trying to push start my car down the busy street. failure.
she takes me to the wrecker, i get a starter from an 87 (yes it fits) for $45. Back to the civic, put the starter in. start it up, sweet we are rolling. no dash lights, tach... radio all dead.
blown fuse.
if anything else goes wrong this week i'm going to freak out.
Enter, New Years Eve. The significant other when out partying and I stayed home with the little guy, she came home and informed me she lost the keys and they might be in the trunk area. The car was at the ski hill so i put all my gear on in the morning and hitch-hiked up to the ski hill with my board, every intention to find the keys and be riding the morning, getting in my car and heading for Revelstoke to meet up with old friends from when i was a Lifty.
no keys.
quick call to my mechanic brother. 'hey dave, i need to start my car with no keys, with the minimal amount of tools."
he gave me the information i needed, and after borrowing a few tools from one of the ski hill maintenance team members i was rolling again in 1.5 hours. after doing this once, i could probably steal your wagon in under a minute. don't PM me asking how, i'm not going to be telling anyone how to steal cars.
I don't get to ride that morning and head to Nakusp anyway. Meet up with one friend, only to find out his 'house' is actually just a shack. No running water, no heat, no phone. I can rough it when i have to, but i don't really like it. i embrace technology and comforts. I kicked a few square feet worth of junk out of the way and sleep on the floor in a sleeping bag with no zipper. i could see my breath. un-impressed.
the bright spot comes in Monday with lots of fresh snow for my friends and I when we arrive in my home town and we ski/snowboard all day monday on fresh, choking on snow. it snows all evening and we all decide to take yet another day off from whatever we were avoiding on monday.
tuesday. NO POWER AT THE SKI HILL. some dumbass tree-faller fell a tree on the power line and blew up a transformer. it was blue-bird skies on fresh fresh pow. the place was packed with un-impressed people of all backgrounds.
wed. i go to the dealership with my insurance and Id thinking they can just cut me a key. turns out this back-woods stupid dealership doesn't even have a key cutter. they tell me to go to the lock-smith place and they can figure out a key for me with the ignition i still had. turns out they wanted 80$ to do it. F*ck that. i walk out and get into my car... turn the screw driver i now use for a key and...
i can hear the starter turning... but nothing is happening. that's messed up. pop the hood... give the starter a tap... the damn thing falls right off!!! it seems the lower bolt had backed out and gone missing, lord knows when. and the top bolt was not enough to keep the top mounting bracket from snapping completely off the starter. #$@#$*&(*&
luckily my significant other was driving by when i was trying to push start my car down the busy street. failure.
she takes me to the wrecker, i get a starter from an 87 (yes it fits) for $45. Back to the civic, put the starter in. start it up, sweet we are rolling. no dash lights, tach... radio all dead.
blown fuse.
if anything else goes wrong this week i'm going to freak out.
or should i say sorry ???
i got feelings too...
no really...
i laugh at pain...
when it allows me...
if there is a bright side, it's that after this new starter/battery combo, the wagon cold-starts better than ever. I think that every day the wagon doesn't break down to be a lucky day. So my luck vs. bad-luck ratio is pretty good.
Eagle, i laugh at other people's misfortune sometimes as well. like when i see a broken down Westfalia... man that makes me laugh my ass off. We sold our Westy last month, glad to be rid of it. don't let those crazy westy owners tell you they are awesome... they are anything but.
I swing around and start following him, the whole time my Brother is on the phone to police comms. So i follow the guy for a while and then after me pretty much following him over some mountain ranges, he decides to pull over = i guess he wanted a go. I knew me and my brother could have easily beaten the shit out of them (we make a good team) but i decided i wanted to see the bastards locked up and my car repaired. So we just gapped it and left the police to it. Naturally the Police weren't interested, even though i had been threatened with a weapon.
Next day i wake up and remember that there is surveilance operating at the intersection where he hit my car - score for me its all on camera. To be continued when i know what happens...
A few days later my car starts making a rattling noise and it turned out to be the timing chain tensioner. Got the part from Nissan and replaced it - about 60% of the noise was still there.
Found faulty waterpump. But it was the day before new years so i put it off and went out for a drink. The next morning while still hungover i got a phonecall from Mum saying that my Poppa was very ill and that it was likely 'time'.
I get my ass to my Poppas side and we all stayed with him until he passed. It wasn't a pleasant passing either, but i wont go into the gory details. By this time i'd had maybe 4 hours sleep over 72 hours. So i got the task or sorting out photos and music for the funeral. I got started on that right away - it took me anouther 40 hours to get the music and photos sorted out, i had three hours sleep across that time.
On the way to the funeral home to take a look around, the waterpump shat itself. Perfect timing. Funeral to organise and attend with no vehicle. I had it towed home and forgot about it until after the funeral.
So after the funeral i tried to get some decent sleep but i couldnt. I went to work on the car and after disassembling and reassembling twice, i had it sorted with the new waterpump in. NOTE: Never buy a FWD Nissan. I have now barred them from being owned by myself. What a fucking pain in the ass just to replace a waterpump and chain tensioner. Absolute waste of fucking time.
Few other fucked up things happened, but thats the main events.