Hot Pick?

Looking down the line, I'm trying to figure out tough it is to keep these cars. It's a honda, so I'm bound to think these change hands faster than community gloves.

Can someone tell me otherwise?


  • wagodizzlewagodizzle Council Member and EDM expert
    it all depends man. these dont get around too often, i have seen a few old grannies driving these things and i am pretty sure they are still the original owners haha.

    i've had mine now for three years, and its sure not going anywhere soon.
  • HitsHits Band Wagon
    wagodizzle wrote:
    it all depends man. these dont get around too often, i have seen a few old grannies driving these things and i am pretty sure they are still the original owners haha.

    i've had mine now for three years, and its sure not going anywhere soon.
    Well, Wagodizzle, I'm looking for one- guess it won't be yours! I have owned over 300 cars in my lifetime and can remember owning 2 of them for over 1 year. One of them is the Element my wife drives- she won't let me sell it! I hope I can find the right wagon and die with it.
  • My take on this subject is that folks hang onto the wagons quite a long time. Many just drive them until they drop. I have been on the hunt for a long time and finally had to take on a project car because the nice ones are just not for sale. I missed one nice '91 wagon that I kick myself for because I didn't want to pay the price. I see several around town in good shape that will likely never get sold since there is no way to really replace them.

    The 4th generation Civics are similar to the original Datsun 510s from what I have seen. Both series are significant small cars with great design and engineering. I owned three 2-doors and they rate up there with the Hondas. The last few years I have been on the lookout for another, but prices are outrageous and parts are really getting hard to come by. That took me to looking for a 4th gen Civic, either a wagon or an Si hatch. I just missed snagging a '91 black Si with only 12K on the odometer a couple of years ago. That says there are a lot of folks looking for them and snapping them up, going anywhere to buy on. I luckily found the '91 DX hatch that the wife drives with only 42K about four years ago.

    I actually found a note under my windshield wiper two weeks ago that inquired if I wanted to sell the wagon I just picked up (the cream '89 that I have posted in this forum). Our hatchback gets lots of inquiries, too. The good thing is that a decent amount of parts are still available to restore the cars, but that is starting to get lean for some of the really desirable stuff. Fortunately, this group helps to finding parts and sharing valuable info on maintaining and modding the best small wagon around.
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