DA knuckles, brake line question

Finally getting around to finishing my wagon and getting it back on the road again. I'm swapping the spindles and putting in new flexable brake lines while I'm at it. Can anybody snap a quick picture of the routing of the flexable brake line. I can't find a clear picture. I got the new brake lines to fit a wagon, and the knuckles calipers etc. from a DA. Just seems like a lot of tight twisting back and forth the way everythings lining up.
Hell for all i know I'll go take a look at it tomorrow and figure out I put something in ass backwards.


  • nevermind... found a pic of how they're routed. I had them routed correctly but didn't realize that the brackets attached to the brake line are movable. On there pretty tight, they won't move unless you really jiggle them around. I thought they were set up correct when you bought them.
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