Random Sticker Thread?
New Wagonist
I searched and didnt find a thread like this so i figured i would post one. I just want to see ppl post up the stickers they have on there wagons and links to places to find good stickers. I know some guys make there own stickers too (wish i could lol). But anyway i love stickers so post em up
they say:
... to the maxx
dj alo
and i heart my ee
then there are my fender stickers there as well
my friend works at a sign shop so i get mine for freeeeeee!
Inspection = safety inspection... where you are required to have your vehicle inspected by state licensed mechanicsto make sure it is safe to drive on public roads. Some states like Michigan don't have inspections. Other states (or counties within states) have both a safety and an emissions inspections.
I'll try to take some pics of my duct tape 'stickers'. There might be one in my members rides photo thread where you can see the duct tape on the rear quarter panels.
but here's my EE9's
going to take the karma one off, and put another one somewhere else
yeh i like the peace/yo sign too 8)
going to put one on the wagon for sure
i just use random ones lying about, or search ebay for random stuff. or i design them
i love sticker !!
My car has 225K miles on it now, figure it would fit.
and thats all i can think of right now
haha .....stick it and pic it... love it
my koala
and of course...lol
erased the smoke...
..high voltage jolt...